Corey Taylor spune ca in viitor s-ar putea retrage din Slipknot

de Cristi Nedelcu

Corey Taylor spune ca in viitor s-ar putea retrage din Slipknot

Corey Taylor, solistul celor de la Slipknot a declarat zilele trecute ca la un moment dat ar putea sa ia in considerare o posibile retragere din Slipknot.

Taylor a spus ca atunci cand nu va mai putea face fata fizic la un concert Slipkont, va pune punct colaborarii cu trupa pentru ca nu ar vrea ca aceasta sa aiba de suferit din cauza lui.

'I don’t know if I would retire, [but] I might step away from Slipknot at some point, just because the way the music is, that sense of energy. I don’t know if I could be able to do that into my 50s. And I would never want the band to feel like I was holding them back because I just couldn’t physically do it. So that means I wouldn’t completely quit music, I would probably just step away from Slipknot.. I’m 42, I’m not young anymore and as willing as my will is, I’m just beat up man'

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