Soen au lansat single-ul 'Igniter'

de Cristi Nedelcu

Soen au lansat single-ul 'Igniter'

Trupa suedeza a revenit cu single-ul mixat de David Castillo si masterizat de Tony Lindgren.

Single-ul 'Igniter' este disponibil pentru descarare in link-ul urmator:

"As most of you know, we have been forced to move our touring schedule time and time again the last two years. This new reality has hit us and our families very hard economically. Now that we are facing yet an uncertain spring we’re reaching out to you to make it through these stressful times. What kind of value do we give music? This time you are more than welcome to set the price yourself. Go to and purchase our song 'Igniter' and donate what you feel reasonable. 'Igniter' was recorded and mixed by David Castillo in early 2020, just before the Imperial sessions. All profit goes directly to the band. Enjoy and stay safe!", a declarat trupa.

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