Soilwork Chords & Tabs

Trupa suedeza de melodic death metal Soilwork s-a infiintat in anul 1996 in orasul Helsingborg. Numele initial al formatiei a fost Inferior Breed , iar stilul muzical puternic influentat de trupe precum Pantera, Meshuggah si Carcass. Odata cu schimbarea numelui are si loc si o schimbare de stil, care devine mai melodic. Primul demo Soilwork se intituleaza In Dreams We Fall into the Eternal Lake . Chiar inainte de inceperea inregistrarilor, basistul Carl-Gustav Doos paraseste trupa, astfel ca partile de bass sunt realizate de......Biografie Soilwork

Weapon Of Vanity Tab

Nerve Tab

Wings Of Domain Tab

The Chainheart Machine Tab

The Bringer Intro Tab

Structure Divine Tab

Stalemate Tab

Spirits Of The Future Sun Tab

Song Of The Damned Intro Tab

Soilworkers Song Of The Damned Tab

Skin By Skin Tab

Sadistic Lullabye Tab

Razorlives Tab

Razor Lives Tab

Overload Intro Tab

One With The Flies Bass Tab

Neon Rebels Tab

Millionflame Tab

Machine Gun Majesty Tab

Grand Failure Anthem Tab

Downfall 24 Bass Tab

Distance Tab

Chainheart Machine Bass Tab

Chainheart Machine Tab

Bringer Tab

As We Speak Tab

A Predators Portrait Tab

Distortion Sleep Tab

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