Soilwork lanseaza single-ul si videoclipul pentru 'Death Diviner'

de Cristi Nedelcu

Soilwork lanseaza single-ul si videoclipul pentru 'Death Diviner'

Piesa face parte din trilogia "The Feverish Trinity" si poate fi ascultata in premiera de la 20:00 in clipul de mai jos.

"The Feverish Trinity" contine trei melodii, iar primele doua single-uri sunt "Feverish" si " Desperado".

"‘Death Diviner‘ is the final installment in the Feverish trilogy, the end of the path that Feverish and Desperado set us upon. The overall theme of these three songs is an attempt to describe the otherworldy, the emotions your body can’t contain and the desperate measures you take when you feel that there is something out there calling for you, something much bigger than you, but you know that if you could reach it, talk to it, you’d feel a sense of belonging for the first time in your life." , a declarat trupa.

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