Soulfly au lansat noul single 'Filth Upon Filth' in cadrul unui concert

de Cristi Nedelcu

Soulfly au lansat noul single 'Filth Upon Filth' in cadrul unui concert

In cadrul concertului sustinut pe 1 septembrie la Teatrul Gramercy din New York, Soulfly au interpretat live noul single 'Filth Upon Filth'.

"We're still tracking right now. So the record is not gonna come out till next year. It's a little bit of a long process. Because of COVID and everything, it had to be done a little bit differently. Actually, we're gonna play one song called 'Filth Upon Filth' on this tour. It's a killer song. It reminds me of old SLAYER; it sounds like SLAYER 'Hell Awaits' era meets SOULFLY, which is always a good thing. We still need to record drums. Right now we just really have the songs written — all the riffs. So we're still building the music. But we did have one full song, which is 'Filth Upon Filth', and we get to play that on the next tour, which is great. So people do get a taste of the new record, which I think is amazing — to be able to give them a taste.", a decalrat Chris Annunziata intr-un interviu.

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