A decedat Tony 'IT' Sarkka, veteran al black metalului suedez

de Andreea Gherfi

A decedat Tony 'IT' Sarkka, veteran al black metalului suedez

Tony 'IT' Sarkka (Abruptum/Ophthalamia/Vondur/Incision) a decedat pe 14 februarie, la varsta de 45 de ani. Cauza mortii nu a fost dezvaluita.

Familia artistului a publicat pe facebook urmatorul mesaj:

“It is with a heavy heart that I share with you the sad news that my dear brother and soulmate, to you known as IT, left his long journey on Mother Earth.

He will forever be with us in heart and mind, as the great thinker, philosopher and genius he was. IT was truly a unique character and those of us who got the privilege to meet and know him in person can consider ourselves lucky.

I will try to keep his legacy on this page, but please feel free to help me out. He will never be forgotten. I love you forever.”

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