ACCEPT inregistreaza "A Solid Dozen Amazing New Songs" pentru urmatorul album de studio al trupei

de Cristi Nedelcu

ACCEPT inregistreaza

ACCEPT inregistreaza "A Solid Dozen Amazing New Songs" pentru urmatorul album de studio al trupei. Dupa ce au participat cu succes la „Too Mean To Die” in fata fanilor lor din Europa, America Latina, Canada si Statele Unite ale Americii, legendele heavy metalului german/american ACCEPT s-au intors in studio si lucreaza la urmatorul lor album.

Basistul ACCEPT Martin Motnik a declarat: "We're currently recording demo versions of the songs we have written so far, to help us decide — together with our amazing producer Andy Sneap (guitarist and producer for JUDAS PRIEST, and Grammy-winning producer with DREAM THEATER) — which songs we will be focusing on for the album. So far we have a solid dozen of songs, but we're still writing more. Stay excited! The songs are already amazing and promise to make for another killer album! Here's a picture of Wolf [Hoffmann, ACCEPT guitarist], Mark [Tornillo, ACCEPT singer], and myself during a vocals recording session! The metal is strong!"

La inceputul acestei luni, Cassius Morris, Hoffmann a vorbit despre progresul sesiunilor de compozitie pentru urmatorul album continaure al materialului „Too Mean To Die” din 2021. El a spus: "Actually, I'm sitting here every day working on songs, believe it or not. And I just talked to Mark Tornillo, our singer. He's gonna come over to Nashville this month for some intense demoing of the new songs. So the stuff is in progress. And I think we're planning on having Andy Sneap, our producer, come over in August to actually lay down the tracks. And then, yeah, before you know it, there's gonna be a new album. I don't have a title yet. I have some songs — about a little more than half are written, I'd say."

Intrebat unde planuieste ACCEPT sa inregistreze urmatorul album, Wolf a spus: "Well, we have this place in Nashville that we have made the last five albums in. And we basically do drums at a place — it's not quite sure where we're gonna do it this time. And then guitars are usually happening here in Nashville and mixing happens in England. Nowadays, with technology, we don't really need to be together in the same place for four weeks at a time; we do it here and there and everywhere. But it's still important to know that we're doing it kind of together; we're not just sharing files over the Internet. 'Cause that has never worked for us. So, in other words, Andy has to be in the room, if possible, and then whoever gets to record their tracks, and then a bunch of others are usually around. So it's a group thing, for sure, but it's not [like] everybody's there the whole, all the time together."

Toamna trecuta, ACCEPT a incheiat un turneu nord-american cu sprijinul NARCOTIC WASTELAND. Trupa a cantat un set de piese noi dar si melodii clasice care a cuprins inclusiv mega-hiturile „Balls To The Wall”, „Princess Of The Dawn”, „Fast As A Shark” dar si multe altele.

In februarie 2022, s-a anuntat public faptul ca ACCEPT a incheiat un acord la nivel mondial cu Napalm Records.

Too Mean To Die” a aparut in ianuarie 2021 prin Nuclear Blast. LP-ul a fost primul LP fara basistul Peter Baltes, care a parasit ACCEPT in noiembrie 2018. El a fost inlocuit de atunci cu Martin Motnik. Componenta ACCEPT a fost, de asemenea, extinsa prin adaugarea unui al treilea chitarist, Philip Shouse, care initial l-a inlocuit pe Uwe Lulis in turneul „Symphonic Terror” din 2019, inainte de a fi invitat sa se alature trupei ca membru permanent.

„Too Mean To Die” a fost inregistrat in Nashville, Tennessee cu Sneap (JUDAS PRIEST, MEGADETH), care este responsabil pentru sunetul de studio al trupei ACCEPT inca din 2010.

Tornillo s-a alaturat formatiei ACCEPT in 2009 ca inlocuitor pentru solistul initial al trupei, Udo Dirkscheider. El poate fi auzit pe ultimele cinci albume de studio ale lui ACCEPT, „Blood Of The Nations” (2010), „Stalingrad” (2012), „Blind Rage” (2014), „The Rise Of Chaos” (2017) si „Too Mean To Die".

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