Albumul "Cowboys From Hell" al formatiei PANTERA a fost certificat cu dubla platina in S.U.A

de Cristi Nedelcu


Albumul „Cowboys From Hell” al formatiei PANTERA, lansat in iulie 1990, a fost certificat cu dublu platina de catre Recording Industry Association Of America (RIAA) vineri, 26 mai, pentru vanzari de peste doua milioane de exemplare in Statele Unite.

„Cowboys From Hell” a fost discul revolutionar al trupei PANTERA si a fost certificat initial cu platina in iulie 1997. A fost laudat de critici ca fiind unul dintre cele mai influente albume din scena metalului din anii 1990. IGN a numit „Cowboys From Hell” al 19-lea cel mai influent album heavy metal din toate timpurile.

Basistul PANTERA, Rex Brown, a vorbit la "Do You Know Jack?" emisiune radio despre succesul comercial al trupei in urma lansarii piesei „Cowboys From Hell”. "Everything was kind of changing at that point," a spus acesta. "All the hair bands and all that kind of stuff. Everybody was kind of stale. If you think about just songs in general, there were some pretty good songs that the look kind of took away from all that, 'cause you got lumped in with all that kind of crap. I'm not saying we did. But we just came around at a time that we saw a crack and we slipped through it, and we put a lot of hard work and a lot of touring [into it]."

Rex a continuat: "Those first two records ['Cowboys From Hell' and 1992's 'Vulgar Display Of Power'], we toured nonstop. We had 32 days off on the 'Cowboys From Hell' tour, and that was the total time period between 18 months on, and then directly back in the studio. We just came in at a time when people needed us. We would stay out in the parking lots until six in the morning signing autographs. I think that really made a big, huge difference between us and other bands that were just, you know, 'go on the bus and bye.' You know, you meet one guy, and he goes, 'Man, those guys were cool.' And he tells another friend, and it gets around like that."

Rex a adaugat: "We were the biggest underground band of the '90s. We didn't have a lot of MTV [support], we didn't have any radio play. Now you go to any sporting event and hear one of our songs at a football game, which is great, but they wouldn't touch it back then. So we just kind of [flew] by the seat of our pants and kind of D.I.Y., and just toured our butts off and worked really, really hard."

Chitaristul „Dimebag” Darrell Abbott si fratele sau, bateristul Vinnie Paul Abbott, au format PANTERA la mijlocul anilor optzeci in Texas. Trupa a inregistrat patru albume independente inainte ca albumul „Cowboys From Hell” sa aduca un sunet mai heavy si sa cucereasca fanii de metal de pretutindeni. „Far Beyond Driven” din 1994 a debutat pe locul 1 in Billboard 200. Grupul s-a divizat in 2002, dupa plecarea solistului Philip Anselmo.

PANTERA s-a reunit de curand, intr-o noua formula si a sustinut primul concert in SUA pe 6 mai la Thunder Beach Motorcycle Rally din Panama City, Florida. Spectacolul a marcat prima aparitie live a lui PANTERA in tara natala in 22 de ani - din 25 iulie 2001, cand trupa a cantat la Tacoma Dome din Tacoma, Washington, ca parte a turneului „Extreme Steel”.

De asemenea PANTERA a cantat de curand si in Romania, la festivalul Metalhead Meeting 2023, la Romexpo, Bucuresti, sambata 27 mai 2023.

Formatia actuala PANTERA include doi membri supravietuitori din formatia clasica a trupei, Anselmo si Brown, impreuna cu chitaristul Zakk Wylde (OZZY OSBOURNE, BLACK LABEL SOCIETY) si tobosarul Charlie Benante (ANTHRAX).

Anselmo si Brown, impreuna cu Wylde si Benante, sunt cap de afis al unui numar de festivaluri majore din America de Sud, Asia, America de Nord si Europa avand si concerte in diverse state. De asemenea, vor canta impreuna cu METALLICA intr-un turneu ce va avea loc in America de Nord in 2023 si 2024.

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