Anselmo ar trebui sa faca o donatie catre Centrul Simon Wiesenthal

de Cristi Nedelcu

Anselmo ar trebui sa faca o donatie catre Centrul Simon Wiesenthal

Saptamana trecuta Phil Anselmo, fostul solits Pantera, a avut un comportament rasist (detalii aici) si chiar daca si-a cerut scuze (detalii aici), unii artisti sunt de parere ca Anselmo ar trebui sa doneze niste bani Centrului Simon Wiesenthal.

Acest centru are ca prim scop lupta impotriva antisemitismului, negarii holocaustului si pararea sigurantei evreilor peste tot in lume.

Cel care a venit cu aceasta propunerea a fost Scott Ian de la Anthrax.


Hate speech. Racism. Inflammatory rhetoric.

All dangerous no matter what the context. I have ZERO TOLERANCE for any of this and to not speak out against them is as dangerous as the acts themselves.

Philip’s actions were vile and that should be the focus here, anything else is just noise.

Philip has apologized and I would like to offer him the opportunity to really show how much he loves everyone by making a donation to the Simon Wiesenthal Center.



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