Anul viitor se lanseaza pe Netflix filmul biografic despre trupa KISS, intitulat "Shout It Out Loud"

de Cristi Nedelcu

Anul viitor se lanseaza pe Netflix filmul biografic despre trupa KISS, intitulat

Managerul KISS, Doc McGhee, a declarant ca va aparea un film despre trupa, pe Netflix, lansarea oficiala avand loc anul viitor.

Se asteapta ca filmul sa redea povestea trupei KISS intr-un mod similar cu filmele-documentare rock din trecut, cum ar fi The Runaways din 2010 sau Motley Crue din 2019, The Dirt.

Filmul despre KISS, denumit Shout It Out Loud dupa piesa Destroyer a trupei din 1976, va aparea in 2024, potrivit lui McGhee care a declarat: "We're just starting it now..We've already sold it. It's already done. … So that's moving along. And that'll come in '24."

In urma cu doi ani, Netflix era intr-un razboi de licitatii pentru a lansa filmul biographic KISS. Acest film va fi o coproductie intre Atmosphere Entertainment si Universal Music Group si va fi realizat de producatorii de film Mark Canton (Atmosphere), Leigh Ann Burton (Opus 7), Courtney Solomon, David Blackman si Jody Gerson (Universal Music), cu implicarea lui McGhee, Stanley, Simmons si a regizorului Joachim Ronning (Kon-Tiki, Maleficent: Mistress of Evil, Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales).

Dorothy Canton si David Hopwood vor fi producatori executivi iar scenariul Shout It Out Loud va fi realizat de Ole Sanders, care a lucrat la acesta alaturi de Simmons si Stanley .

"The script was really good," a declarant Stanley. "We really waited until we felt comfortable,“ a adaugat acesta. "You get one chance to do it, and I would rather not do it than do it half-assed or poorly. Our director is the real deal. He did Maleficent 2, and he's not some hack."

Intr-un interviu acordat in 2021, McGhee a explicat: „ Mark Canton, who is a very, very powerful producer and production company who has the TV series Power and Ghost and all that stuff, and he was a president of Sony and all that, he's done 300 films — a really, really great guy — his team and Universal Music and ourselves have partnered up with Joachim Ronning, who is a very sought-after director. … And the script is about the first four years of KISS. Basically, it's before they were famous."

Nu stim inca ce actori ii vor portretiza pe membrii KISS in filmul biografic Netflix. Din ceea ce a spus Stanley, stim ca vor alege actori tineri: "To be accurate in terms of age, we are looking at actors in their early 20s."

El a continuat: "When people get asked these kinds of questions, they'll say, 'Oh, Brad Pitt,' or this one or that one. Well, those guys are in their 50s or 60s, so you're talking about another generation of actors. And I'm the first to say I'm not up on a lot of them. But as the casting process goes on, I'll certainly be there."

Stanley a adaugat ca ar fi interesant sa vedem cum "casting people or the director … view who I am and who they see doing that. I think I'll learn a lot about their perception of me by who they cast."

Mai jos regasiti postarea pe Twitter a lui Stanley.

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