Baietii lui Janick Gers de la Iron Maiden si Thom Yorke de la Radiohead lanseaza o noua piesa impreuna

de Cristi Nedelcu

Baietii lui Janick Gers de la Iron Maiden si Thom Yorke de la Radiohead lanseaza o noua piesa impreuna

Avem o noua colaborare intre fiii a doi muzicieni proeminenti, chitaristul Janick Gers de la Iron Maiden si vocalistul Thom Yorke de la Radiohead. Dylan Gers si Noah Yorke au scos o noua piesa impreuna, intitulata „Red Skies”.

Desi este clar ca Dylan Gers a mostenit talentul muzical de la tatal sau, muzica sa nu are deloc legatura cu Iron Maiden avand influente atmosferice si, uneori, chiar aproape hipnotice.

„Red Skies” este o evadare acustica intr-un vis, cu note delicate de pian si efecte sonore diverse. In spatele vocii aerisite a lui Gers, veti auzi uneori vantul sufland si pasarile ciripind sau il puteti asculta pe Noah Yorke cantand la o chitara cu 12 corzi, cu influente clasice si spaniole.

"I can’t wait for all of you to hear this," a declarat Dylan Gers. "I'm truly more excited with this than anything I've done in my life."

Intr-un interviu acordat pentru Decibel la inceputul acestui an, Gers a descris ca a fi fiul unui muzician dintr-o trupa celebra este "a blessing and a curse."

"My entire childhood I was just known as the 'son of Iron Maiden,' so trying to carve out your own identity is hard and always will be when your father is in that status of a job. When I was in college I had people come up to me saying, 'Why are you studying? You don’t need to do that, your dad is in so and so,' but that’s not what life is about and it’s not what I want my life to be about either," a declarat acesta.

"I hope everyone doesn’t just pass me off as someone who’s trying to make an ‘Iron Maiden 2’ and realize that I have a style which gravitates away from the gain of guitars. As much as I do love a Strat going through a Marshall stack, that’s not what I’m about as of now." a incheiat Gers.

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