BLACKIE LAWLESS a discutat despre urmatorul album W.A.S.P. care va fi lansat in vara anului 2024

de Cristi Nedelcu

BLACKIE LAWLESS a discutat despre urmatorul album W.A.S.P. care va fi lansat in vara anului 2024

BLACKIE LAWLESS a discutat despre urmatorul album W.A.S.P. care va fi lansat in vara anului 2024.

Intr-un nou interviu cu Mankato, emisiunea de radio „The Five Count” din Minnesota, Blackie Lawless de la W.A.S.P. a vorbit despre progresul sesiunilor de inregistrare pentru urmatorul album de studio al trupei. El a spus: "From the time the U.S. tour ended [last December], we went straight back in the studio and we were working really hard to try to get it ready for August of this year, but it's just not gonna happen. It's one of those kinds of things that… I think we've got a big fish on the hook, and I don't wanna let it go before it's ready."

Artistul a continuat "I was talking to the guy that does the mixing for our records yesterday, and he asked me what I thought. And I said the best I could tell him would be spring of next year that we'll be ready for him. So if he starts in the spring, that means the soonest it would be ready would be summer."

In octombrie anul trecut, Lawless a vorbit cu „Trunk Nation With Eddie Trunk” de la SiriusXM despre viziunea sa pentru urmatorul W.A.S.P. album. El a declarat atunci: "What's in my heart right now, I want this to be a rock and roll record — an old-time rock and roll record. That's what I'm feeling. And it could be some sort of adverse reaction to what's going on in the world, maybe. I don't know; I don't really wanna think about it that much. I'm just following my gut right now. I want something that feels good. And that's where my head is right now. I learned years ago, you make records based on who you are at that moment," a adaugat Lawless. "And that's where I am at this moment. I wanna do something that feels really good."

Cea mai recenta lansare a formatiei W.A.S.P. a fost „ReIdolized (The Soundtrack To The Crimson Idol)”, care a aparut in februarie 2018. Era o noua versiune a clasicului album al trupei din 1992 „The Crimson Idol”, care a fost reinregistrat pentru a marca cea de-a 25-a aniversare de la lansarea LP-ului original. Versiunea reinregistrata contine si patru melodii care lipsesc din albumul original.

Cel mai recent album de studio al lui W.A.S.P. cu material original complet nou a fost „Golgotha” din 2015.

Blackie Lawless a condus W.A.S.P. in calitate de vocalist principal si compozitor principal de la inceputurile trupei. Marca sa unica de comentarii vizuale, sociale si politice a facut grupul cunoscut si apreciat la nivel mondial. W.A.S.P. a vandut milioane de discuri lansad si o mostenire de spectacole sold-out pe tot globul timp de patru decenii.

Mai jos puteti viziona interviul cu Blackie.

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