BREAKING BENJAMIN pregatesc urmatorul album de studio

de Cristi Nedelcu

BREAKING BENJAMIN pregatesc urmatorul album de studio

BREAKING BENJAMIN pregatesc viitorul album de studio. Acestia au declarat ca au "A lot of music recorded' pentru viitorul album.

Intr-un nou interviu cu Radioactive MikeZ, gazda programului 96.7 KCAL-FM „Wired In The Empire”, chitaristul BREAKING BENJAMIN Keith Wallen a fost intrebat daca el si colegii sai de trupa au inceput sa lucreze la noul lor album de studio mult asteptat. El a raspuns: "One hundred percent, yeah. We've always been kind of writing and kind of chronicling some ideas over the past few years — through the pandemic, all that stuff, we've always been writing. But here recently it started to pick up a little bit. So I'm hoping — hoping — there's gonna be some new music out sometime within the next year. That's a nice, safe answer. I could say month, I could say two months, but I'm gonna say year, just 'cause it's been so long. I don't wanna screw ourselves somehow; I don't know."

Keith a continuat spunand ca exista destul de mult material nou BREAKING BENJAMIN aproape gata de a fi lansat. "We've got some stuff in the works," a spus acesta. "We've got a lot of music recorded. Ben [BREAKING BENJAMIN frontman Benjamin Burnley] just posted yesterday — he just tracked some vocals for a song. So, yeah, we're getting there. We move at our own pace here, much to the dismay of a lot of people, I've noticed, online."

Keith a adaugat despre enoua muzica BREAKING BENJAMIN: "It's awesome. It's exciting. And man, I can't wait to get it out there finally."

In urma cu doua luni, chitaristul BREAKING BENJAMIN, Jasen Rauch, a discutat cu Janna la postul de radio 97.9 WGRD din Grand Rapids, Michigan, despre planul trupei pentru continuarea albumului „Ember” din 2018:"We are working on music. We've been writing for quite a while. And regardless of whether we were able to record anything or not, we've been writing for a little over a year, I would say. We kind of keep the bar pretty high for ourselves as far as the standard moving forward. We've been experimenting with some things, throwing some things out, started over a couple of times, and are getting to a place where we're pretty happy. So, yeah, we've been in the studio," a continuat acesta. "We did some in Nashville. We've done a lot of stuff remotely. Ben and I have dozens and dozens of voice memos going back, 'Hey, try this. Try this.' And we'll record something and send it back and forth. But, yeah, we're looking forward to it. And hopefully we'll have something out soon for everybody to hear."

BREAKING BENJAMIN au devenit foarte cunoscuti datorita materialului „Saturate” din 2002, cu ajutorul acestuia, trupa a strans un sir impresionant de hituri de radio rock mainstream, cu 10 melodii ajungand pe locul 1, numeroase melodii si albume de platina si multi-platina, miliarde de stream-uri in intreaga lume strangand astfel o baza solida de fani loiali. Cea mai recenta lansare a lor, „Aurora”, a oferit trupei BREAKING BENJAMIN a zecea piesa numarul 1 la radio cu melodia intitulata „Far Away ft. Scooter Ward”.

Penultimul album al formatiei BREAKING BENJAMIN, „Ember” (2018), a debutat pe locul 3 in Billboard Top 200 si a marcat al patrulea debut al trupei fiind premiat cu multiplatina si ajungand in Top 5 in Billboard Top 200. „Ember” a scos doua hituri care au ajuns pe locul 1 la Active Rock Radio cu „Red Cold River” si „Torn In”. Doua". „Aurora” si „Ember” s-au clasat in Top 10 in numeroase tari din intreaga lume si in topuri care contineau mai multe genuri, inclusiv Top Alternative Albums, Top Rock Albums, Top Hard Rock Albums si Top Digital Albums.

"Aurora” a fost lansat in ianuarie 2020. Discul contine versiuni reimaginate ale celor mai bune si mai populare melodii ale trupei, cu invitati speciali printre care Lacey Sturm (ex-FLYLEAF), Scooter Ward (COLD) si Spencer Chamberlain (UNDEROATH).

Mai jos puteti urmari interviul lui Keith Wallen.

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