BRIAN MAY a discutat despre o potentiala continuare a filmului biografic "Bohemian Rhapsody'"

de Cristi Nedelcu

BRIAN MAY a discutat despre o potentiala continuare a filmului biografic

In timpul unei aparitii intr-un episod al emisiunii „Trunk Nation With Eddie Trunk” de la SiriusXM, chitaristul Queen- Brian May- a discutat despre o potentiala continuare a filmului biografic al trupei- „Bohemian Rhapsody”.

Lansat in noiembrie 2018, „Bohemian Rhapsody” a devenit cel mai apreciat film biografic muzical din toate timpurile, aducand peste 1 miliard de dolari la box office-ul mondial. De asemenea, a fost cel mai vandut film din anul 2019.

May a declarat: "There's truth to the fact that we talk about it. We'd love it — we'd love to make a sequel. It's finding the right script. It actually took us 12 years to find the right script for the first one, so I guess it's no surprise that it's not easy. There is a story there — an awful lot happened after the end of the 'Bohemian Rhapsody' movie script, if you like, story — but whether it would make a film, I don't know. And we don't wanna put it out there or make it unless we're sure that it's gonna work and it's gonna move people in the same way as the original film did. The short answer is we'd love to, and we haven't found a way of doing it yet."

Brian a adaugat: "It'd be nice to get the same four guys back to play us 'cause they're so stupendous, all of them; they're just great. I mean, Rami's [Malek, who played Freddie Mercury] amazing. Gwilym [Lee], who played me — incredible. I mean, he fooled my kids. My kids thought I voiced the part, but he did it all."

In martie, May a declarat pentru Daily Star ca „he felt proud” de filmul biografic „Bohemian Rhapsody” si a adaugat ca "the people who played us were just phenomenal. It's so tempting to do the sequel. It would be worth it just to work with those boys again. 'Bohemian Rhapsody' climaxed in Live Aid and I suppose implicitly Freddie [Mercury, late QUEEN singer] starting to deal with his AIDS, but an awful lot happened between the end of the film to the end of the glory days of QUEEN. I loved the fact we were able to do it for Freddie. That really means a lot and I felt we did it in the right way, and in the right spirit. Of course we were represented in the movie because we were a group, but it was really all about Freddie, and I think we did him good."

May a mai discutat anterior despre o posibila continuare a „Bohemian Rhapsody” intr-un live postat pe Instagram in august 2021. La acea vreme, el a spus: "We are looking at it. Yeah, we have been looking at ideas."

Acesta a completat: "It's going to be hard to follow that one as none of us could have predicted how massive that was going to be. We put a lot of heart and soul into making it and no one could have predicted [its success] as it was bigger than 'Gone With The Wind'. But yes, we are thinking maybe it could happen, but it would have to be a great script. It's going to take a while to figure that out."

In iulie 2020, bateristul Queen, Roger Taylor, a spus ca o continuare a „Bohemian Rhapsody” este foarte putin probabila. "I really do think that we need to sit back for a year or two and look at things and see if that is a believable or credible thing to do," a declarat acesta pentru Rolling Stone. "The movie was a great hit. We were delighted, obviously. But I think I wouldn't want to be seen as cashing in again. I'd have to have a very, very good script and scenario to make that work. Right now, I can't think of a way of doing a sequel."

Roger a continuat: "If somebody comes up with a genius plan, maybe we'll think about it. [Laughs] Right now, we're just very happy with what the movie did. There are so many sequels that don't match up to the original one. There are obvious ones that did, but on the whole, I think it's a dangerous territory."

Roger a completat si a declarat ca a fost surprins de succesul filmului: "It was extraordinary," a spus acesta. "There was the Golden Globes and the BAFTAs and then the Oscars! We thought, 'Hey, we'll take it!' It was a great ride, but it wasn't our world. Our world is the rock and roll world. It was fascinating and very interesting to be involved. When the movie got four Oscars, it took a while for that to sink in. Mind you, they didn't give Brian [May, guitar] and me any. That's okay, though."

La inceputul lui 2020, May a exclus, de asemenea, o continuare a filmului, declarand pentru Rolling Stone: "Don't think we didn't think about it. We've talked. Basically, we think not, at the moment. Things could change, I suppose, but I think it would be difficult."

Potrivit lui May, o parte a provocarii in realizarea unui alt film este ca s-ar concentra probabil pe lupta lui Mercury cu SIDA, cu care a fost diagnosticat in 1987. Mercury s-a luptat cu boala in privat, doar cativa dintre prietenii sai apropiati cunoscandu-i starea de sanatate. Artistul a murit in noiembrie 1991.

"I don't think that would be an uplifting thing to do," a declarat May pentru Rolling Stone. "I'm not saying it's impossible because there is a great story there, but we don't feel that's the story we want to tell at the moment."

Spectacolul care a continut 6 piese ale trupei Queen la Live Aid serveste ca un final triumfator pentru „Bohemian Rhapsody”, cu Remi Malek in rolul lui Mercur. Dar filmul a omis o multime de detalii din povestea reala a lui Mercury, asa cum a recunoscut May in timpul interviului sau cu Rolling Stone.

"There's a million things in our career which you couldn't show in a movie since the movie had to be so simplified to make it watchable," a spus chitaristul. "But we don't really think there's another movie there. That's the long and the short of it. I think we should look somewhere else. There are other ideas that we had, but I don't think a sequel will happen. But we have looked at it pretty seriously."

In ciuda recenziilor slabe si a unui regizor problematic (regizorul original Bryan Singer a fost inlocuit de Dexter Fletcher in timpul filmarilor), „Bohemian Rhapsody” a idevenit un succes masiv si de atunci a detronat „Straight Outta Compton” pentru a deveni cel mai mare film biografic muzical din toate timpurile.

In film, diagnosticul de SIDA al lui Mercur este anuntat mai repede decat in viata reala; inainte de spectacolul Live Aid de pe stadionul Wembley, cand, in realitate, Mercury a fost diagnosticat cu SIDA in 1987. "The important thing is it did happen. We're not telling lies. The chronology doesn't really matter."

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