Chester Bennington isi ameninta fanii cu bataia

de Andreea Gherfi

Chester Bennington isi ameninta fanii cu bataia

Chester Bennington, solistul trupei Linkin Park, a socat din nou comunitatea rock cu afirmatiile sale. Nu este un secret ca cel mai recent album de studio al trupei, "One More Light", a cazut cam prost la stomacul celor care se asteptau sa asculte un material Linkin Park rock.

Intr-un interviu acordat publicatiei Kerrang!, Chester Bennington si-a exprimat din nou frustrarea vis-a-vis de faptul ca anumiti fani ai trupei, sau mai exact fosti fani, considera ca Linkin Park si-a schimbat directia muzicala de dragul banilor.

“Either you like the song or you don’t and if you don’t like the song because you hear it and on a kneejerk reaction it’s like ‘oh it doesn’t have metal in it so I don’t like it’, that’s fine, like whatever.

But if you’re gonna be the person who says like ‘they made a marketing decision to make this kind of record to make money’ you can f*****g meet me outside and I will punch you in your f*****g mouth because that is the wrong f*****g answer.

Because guess what, calling us a sell out for that purpose is… selling out on your f*****g excuse as to why you don’t like it. You’re a f*****g pussy. For any band to take musical risks because you like what you’re doing in spite of what you know some people will say they don’t like, it doesn’t matter if they like it or not–what matters is that you took the chance to do something that you felt was important to you and that’s what being an artist is all about.

When we did ‘Minutes To Midnight‘, this was a conversation we literally had, ‘this could end our career’. We all had that real honest conversation like ‘look I know we’re doing this because this is what we love and we really really… this is important to us. This could honestly be like the worst decision we’ve ever made professionally. Creatively probably the best thing, professionally it might be the worst.’ We were like ‘we’re good with that. We can live with that.’

When you make it personal, like a personal attack against who we are as people, like dude shut up. That means that I can actually have feelings about it and most of the time my feelings are I want to kill you.”

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