Chitara pierduta a lui Steve Vai a fost gasita intr-un pod in Mexic

de Cristi Nedelcu

Chitara pierduta a lui Steve Vai a fost gasita intr-un pod in Mexic

Intrebati orice muzician si cu siguranta acesta va va raspunde ca daca instrumentele sau echipamentele sale dispar sau sunt furate, este ca si cum ar pierde o parte din ei insisi. Acest lucru este valabil mai ales daca echipamentul in cauza a fost personalizat in stilul unic al lui Steve Vai- respectiv chitara sa mult iubita "Swiss Cheese".

Vai trebuia sa ia chitara in turneul Roth care trebuia sa aiba loc in vara anului 1986, dar, din pacate, a fost furata dintr-un spatiu de repetitii din California. De curand Steve Vai a postat pe Facebook ca dupa atat de mult timp chitara a fost gasita si returnata proprietarului sau de drept, in stare perfecta.

"Reunited, and it feels so good," a declarat Vai. "Oddly enough, after going missing 36 & a half years ago, my custom Joe Despagni 'Swiss Cheese' guitar was finally returned to me. This guitar was custom built for me by Joe; Joe was my best friend in life growing up & he made me some of the wildest guitars I ever laid my fingers on such as the Flame guitar, the Lightning Bolt, this Swiss Cheese guitar, ZNG ZNG & his final piece that he made for me before he passed away, Theadolite. He worked with his brother Rob on many of these guitars. I used 'Swiss Cheese' in the original 'Yankee Rose' video while I was with David Lee Roth, and stretched it out in rehearsals & was planning on touring with it, but this guitar, along with 3 others, was stolen in Pasadena CA at Perkins Palace during rehearsals for the Eat Em and Smile tour. It is officially the first guitar to receive a 'monkey grip' handle, and the first one Joe made with a handle at my request." a continuat acesta.

Chitara a fost descoperita de tanarul Ivan Gonzalez Acosta in podul casei bunicilor sai din Tijuana, Mexic, nu cu mult timp in urma. Se pare ca oamenii care au locuit in casa bunicilor lui inainte de ei au cumparat chitara de undeva pe parcurs si aceasta a ramas blocata in pod doar pentru a fi descoperita recent cand familia facea curatenie si reorganiza podul.

"When Ivan discovered this guitar, he posted some images online & they came on the trusty radar of our very own Mike Mesker. Mike is THE authority on the history & specifics of all my guitars. Mike started reaching out to Ivan & after some time he was able to arrange a drop off where Ivan was met by Mike, Doug MacArthur & myself. Thanks to Mike for his solid vigilance in bringing this guitar home. The condition of the guitar when I saw it was a shocker. It’s as if it was put in the case & never played for 36 years. The colors are still vibrant and the neck is in great shape. Thank you Ivan for your kind consideration and for reuniting me with this piece of my history. Receiving this guitar feels like an old friend has returned home after so many years to jam with me. I believe that we will make a wonderful Ham and Swiss sandwich together."- a incheiat Vai.

Nu uitati ca aveti ocazia sa il ascultati pe Steve Vai, live, anul acesta la Bucuresti la Sala Palatului in 24 aprilie. Artistul isi aduce chitara sa legendara: Hydra!

Biletele se pun in vanzare maine, 20 ianuarie aici.

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