Chitaristul formatiei Slaves a fost injunghiat

de Cristi Nedelcu

Chitaristul formatiei Slaves a fost injunghiat

Alex Lyman, chitaristul formatiei americane de post-hardcore Slaves a fost injunghiat intr-un act pe care autoritatile din Sacramento l-au catalogat ca fiind 'hate crime'.

Lyman parasea un bar din Midtown cand a fost atacat de un individ care l-a numit pe chitarist 'faggot'. Lyman s-a ales cu o rana adanca de aproximativ 4 centimetri foarte aproape de splina dar si cu mai multe taieturi pe gat si brate.

Iata ce a declarat artistul pe contul sau de Instagram:

"I was stabbed in the side with a four-inch cut that is two inches deep and a centimetre from my spleen. This was all from a felon with prior charges who is now in prison. There was no confrontation and nothing was done to provoke this. It was because I’m a 'faggot in skinny jeans.' I have multiple slices on my throat and arms, but only one serious. I’ll still be at all the Slaves dates. Wish the world could stop hating what they don’t understand."

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