Comunitatea rock&metal afectata de moartea lui George Michael

de Andreea Gherfi

Comunitatea rock&metal afectata de moartea lui George Michael

Superstarul pop George Michael a decedat pe 25 decembrie, la varsta de 53 de ani. Decesul a survenit in timpul somnului, iar cauza ar fi fost insuficienta cardiaca. Iubitul acestuia sustine ca George Michael a murit in pace.

Vestea a zdruncinat inclusiv comunitatea rock & metal, iar cativa artisti si-au exprimat regretele pe retelele de socializare.

"Hate 2 break Xmas spirit, but sad news re George Michael. After Wham! he took chances, sat in w Queen even liked G'n'R (Axl quote below) RIP" (Alex Skolnick - Testament)

"Rest In Peace, George." (Fred Durst - Limp Bizkit)

"So sad to hear that George Michael has passed away. We were both managed by LIPPMAN & KAHANE. What a tragic loss to a tremendous talent." (Dave Mustaine - Megadeth)

"f**k. f**k. No... #RIP #GeorgeMichael" (Corey Taylor - Slipknot)

"George Michael has died. An amazing talent and a lovely man. Condolences to family. So sad." (Paul Stanley - KISS)

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