Decapitated au ramas fara tobosar

de Cristi Nedelcu

Decapitated au ramas fara tobosar

Decapiteted tocmai au anuntat ca s-au despartit de Michal Lysejko, tobosarul formatiei.

Nu au fost oferite prea multe detalii cu privire la aceasta decizie. Momentan in locul lui va urca pe scena James Stewart, tobosarul Vader, urmand ca in viitorul apropiat sa gaseasca un inlocuitor permanent.

Iata ce a declarat trupa.

"We would like to thank Michal for his friendship, his huge support, and his hard work as the drummer for DECAPITATED. We wish him well on his new path. All the best, brother!

We will take some time before we find and announce our new drummer. Until then, our friend James Stewart (VADER) will join us as a session drummer. Luckily, he found some free time between VADER shows and is able to play some selected live shows. You will all experience his talents soon."

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