Deen Castronovo, fost tobosar pentru Ozzy si Steve Vai, acuzat de viol si asalt printre altele

de Cristi Nedelcu

Deen Castronovo, fost tobosar pentru Ozzy si Steve Vai, acuzat de viol si asalt printre altele

Deen Castronovo este, probabil nu pentru mult timp de acum inainte, tobosarul celor de la Journey, insa acesta a colaborat si cu artisti precum Ozzy Osbourne si Steve Vai.

Cu Ozzy a lucrat la 'Osmosis' iar cu Vai la 'Alien Love Secrets' si 'Fire Garden'. Mai are o colaborare si cu Fear Factory pentru ultimul album al formatiei.

Tobosarului ii sunt aduse acum o serie de acuzatii destul de grave. Mai jos aveti raportul oficial al celor de la NBC News.

"Deen Castronovo, 50, faces new charges of rape and other crimes after a grand jury returned the indictment Monday. He was arrested June 14 in Salem, Oregon, on misdemeanor assault and menacing, then released on bail and ordered to stay away from the female victim.

Castronovo disobeyed by having contact with the woman this past weekend and Monday, leading to three charges of contempt of court, according to the indictment.

The indictment states Castronovo had sexual intercourse with the victim "by forcible compulsion" between June 8 and June 14. He faces felony charges of assault, sexual abuse and unlawful use of a dangerous weapon, which was a knife he carried on June 13, prosecutors say."

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