DEF LEPPARD lanseaza videoclipul live pentru "Take What You Want" de pe albumul "Diamond Star Halos"

de Cristi Nedelcu

DEF LEPPARD lanseaza videoclipul live pentru

DEF LEPPARD a lansat un videoclip live pentru piesa „Take What You Want”, melodia de deschidere de pe albumul trupei din 2022 „Diamond Star Halos”. Imaginile clipului au fost filmate in timpul „The World Tour” sustinut cu MOTLEY CRUE.

„Diamond Star Halos” a vandut 34.000 de unitati de album echivalente in S.U.A. in prima saptamana de lansare in mai 2022, pentru a ajunge pe pozitia nr. 10 in topul Billboard 200. Acesta a marcat al optulea LP in top 10 al trupei.

Din cele peste 34.000 de unitati vandute din „Diamond Star Halos”, vanzarile de albume au cuprins 32.000, unitatile SEA au cuprins 2.000 (echivalentul a 2,7 milioane de streamuri oficiale la cerere ale melodiilor albumului) si unitatile TEA au cuprins mai putin de 500 de unitati.

Albumele anterioare ale formatiei DEF LEPPARD ce au ajuns in Top 10 au inclus „Pyromania” (care a ajuns pe locul 2 in 1983), „Hysteria” (nr. 1 timp de sase saptamani in 1988), „Adrenalize” (nr. 1 timp de cinci saptamani in 1992)” Retro Active” (nr. 9; 1983), „Rock Of Ages: The Definitive Collection” (nr. 10; 2005), „Songs From The Sparkle Lounge” (nr. 5; 2008) si „Def Leppard” (nr. 10; 2015).

La inceputul acestui an, solistul DEF LEPPARD Joe Elliott a spus ca este multumit ca el si colegii sai de trupa si-au deschis setul la „The Stadium Tour” din 2022 cu „Take What You Want”, declarand pentru Classic Rock: "It was a mission statement, our way of saying this is not a victory lap. Doing the opening number, your adrenaline is off the charts. It's magic. You have to stand where I stand to really feel what that's like. So we had the crowd lit up. It's a 'Hi, we're back!' moment, and it's a new song. That was pretty special."

Intr-un interviu separat acordat pentru Rock Candy, Elliott a spus ca formatul albumului este inca foarte important – cel putin pentru DEF LEPPARD.

"When we got together in 2014 we noticed a trend of people releasing one song a month," Elliott said. "They might bang them all together on an album two years later. Other people were just doing EPs. Maybe for a younger generation, an album isn't important, because they didn't grow up when it was. But we did. We grew up in the era of 'Ziggy Stardust', 'Dark Side Of The Moon', 'Goodbye Yellow Brick Road' — the greatest double album of all time, in my humble opinion. That's where we come from. You can't unscramble an egg. We invested in laying on the bed and looking at the sleeve, reading every word."

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