DEICIDE a lansat o noua melodie intitulata "Bury The Cross... With Your Christ"

de Cristi Nedelcu

DEICIDE a lansat o noua melodie intitulata

DEICIDE, legendara trupa de death metal, a lansatzilele acestea o noua melodie insotita de un videoclip salbatic, restrictionat minorilor - „Bury The Cross... With Your Christ”. Aceasta lansare indrazneata este o dovada a angajamentului neclintit al trupei, pentru death metal, oferind un contrast brutal cu spiritul traditional al sarbatorilor de iarna.

Bassistul/solistul trupei, Glen Benton a declarat: "Welcome to the Feast of Fools and bow before your lord almighty the end is upon us… bury the cross."

Piesa a fost realizata la studioul Smoke & Mirrors cu DEICIDE la carma productiei iar din echipa au facut parte si Jeramie Kling si Taylor Nordberg. De mix si master s-a ocupat Josh Wilbur.

Videoclipul a fost regizat de David Brodsky de la My Good Eye: Music Visuals, care a preluat si rolurile de director de fotografie, editor, grafician si post-productie FX. Allison Woest, de asemenea de la My Good Eye: Music Visuals, a contribuit in calitate de producator, asistent regizor, director de fotografie si editor. Kelly Harris a adus la viata povestea prin realizarea unui machiaj SFX special.

Piesa starneste astfel publicul trupei, public care este entuziasmat in asteptarea noului album al trupei „Banished By Sin”, care va fi lansat anul viitor prin Reigning Phoenix Music (RPM).

Art work-ul pentru piesa "Bury The Cross... With Your Christ” a fost creat de Nestor Avalos.

In august 2022, Benton a declarat pentru „The Garza Podcast” ca noua muzica DEICIDE "is really anthem-style stuff. It's really good, man. There's a lot of prog stuff in there, mixed in there. Steve's [Asheim, drums] our prog guy, man; he's the progressive rock guy. He likes to write those really black metal riffs and the progressive stuff. He's an amazing talent, man. He plays piano. He can play sweeps on guitar. He's a drummer. Yeah, he can do it all."

Benton a continuat declaratiamentionand faptul ca viitorul album DEICIDE a fost scris in 2021 inainte ca el si colegii sai de trupa sa fie de acord sa inceapa un turneu care sarbatoreste cea de-a 30-a aniversare a celui de-al doilea album al lui DEICIDE, „Legion”. Dar, astfel cum a explicat acesta: "We're getting ready to hammer this deal out right now and get this thing out."

DEICIDE a avut primul spectacol cu noul chitarist Taylor Nordberg (THE ABSENCE, INUMAN CONDITION) pe 21 mai 2022 la Rickshaw Theatre din Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

In urma cu aproape doi ani Nordberg a discutat despre cum a ajuns sa cante cu DEICIDE declarand pentru "The Zach Moonshine Show": "In 2019, my band THE ABSENCE toured with DEICIDE in the U.S. And we got to know the guys and got along really well. And I actually found out that Glen lives, like, two streets over from Jeramie [Kling, THE ABSENCE drummer] and I, where we live. So Jeramie and Glen became good buddies and they ride bikes all the times. It's a funny little thing, thinking about that. But long story short, [previous DEICIDE guitarist] Chris [Cannella], I believe he's the head of A&R at Dean Guitars so he's focusing on that for right now. I heard that they needed a guitar player, so I learned a couple of songs, made a couple of videos, and Glen saw 'em and liked what he saw. So we had a couple of practices, and bing bang boom, here we are."

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