Devin Townsend vrea sa scrie o simfonie despre moarte si organe sexuale

de Cristi Nedelcu

Devin Townsend vrea sa scrie o simfonie despre moarte si organe sexuale

Excentricul Devin Townsend are in plan un nou proiect muzical, cel putin la fel de original ca si el.

Prima oara a vorbit despre acest proiect la inceputul anului cand a declarat: "I want to record an extravagant symphony about d***s and v*****s and death". Aceasta ar urma sa aiba numele de 'The Moth'.

Ulterior nu a mai spus nimic pe acest subiect, insa de curand a revenit cu niste informatii.

Intr-un interviu acordat recent Townsend a declarat:

"'The Moth' is a project that I think I’m gonna do next...It describes humanity. It’s like everything is power. It’s like every bit of power that we’re trying to accumulate comes back to procreation on some level. So all the political, religious cockfighting is literally that. It’s like typically men with issues about their penis all connected ultimately to sex, and power. And ultimately sex is maybe some sort of analogy for connection to something that’s divine. It’s procreation and it’s love. And it’s all these things as well. But I think there’s also an aspect of that that is taken for granted. And a lot of the times, maybe even if it’s not directly related to sex, maybe power is so biologically tied to that...

I wonder how much of that is like connection to your parents, or connection to childhood, or maybe you got a small penis. Or maybe it’s like you’ve been so desperately trying to get affection, maybe you didn’t get it from your parents and it becomes sort of conquest. You know, sex and love becomes separated."

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