DROWNING POOL se pregatesc sa scoata un nou material pana la finalul anului

de Cristi Nedelcu

DROWNING POOL se pregatesc sa scoata un nou material pana la finalul anului

DROWNING POOL se pregatesc sa scoata un nou material pana la finalul anului: 'We're On Fire'.

Intr-un interviu pentru Super Cool Radio realizat la inceputul lunii septembrie, chitaristul DROWNING POOL C.J. Pierce a fost intrebat cand va scoate trupa ceva nou, impreuna cu noul solist Ryan McCombs, care s-a alaturat formatiei la inceputul acestui an. Acesta a spus: "Ideally, I would have liked to put a song to go along with the tour [with SALIVA]. It's just we have had a little bit of limited time. Ryan came in. We did those shows [earlier in the year]. And he actually lives outside of London [England] now. And so he had to fly back to London with family. And then he came in again. We had, like, a day or two to do stuff to get ready for the last two-week run. With this [tour] coming up, he has a lot of stuff going on in his life right now. So he's gonna in next week to the first show that we start off in the tour. So we won't have time to get on those songs, but while we we're on tour, the next eight weeks, man, every day we're gonna be in that back lounge of that bus, man, putting the stuff together and getting music going."

Pierce a vorbit si despre procesul de scriere pentru piese noi, realizate impreuna cu McCombs. El a spus: "Ryan's got such a powerful voice. He's got a unique sound. He's got his own tone, if you will — you know his voice when you hear it. And at this point, working with him and the fact that the last 10 years, with [former DROWNING POOL singer] Jasen Moreno, who has his own tone and sound, when we did the songs that we did [originally] with Ryan, I wound up doing the Ryan main parts and Jasen was doing the high harmony parts. So it's allowed me to really get to know Ryan McCombs and where he sits in songs. So now that we're working on music, working on stuff, like the harmonies and just everything, it's never been easier, I guess I should say. We're on fire, it's exciting, and working on music, we've never been so much more on the same page. So, I'm looking forward to it, man."

Acesta a adaugat: "I'm not trying to hype up the new stuff. I'm just genuinely excited about it, and I love talking about it, and I can't wait to get it out. I'd say definitely before the end of the year, you're gonna hear something new from DROWNING POOL. I promise you won't be disappointed."

In urma cu mai putin de doua luni, Pierce a vorbit cu Harley Roxx despre inspiratia pentru o parte din noua muzica pe care el si colegii sai – bateristul Mike Luce si basistul Stevie Benton – o scriu impreuna cu McCombs. El a spus: "I do electrical work on the side when I'm not touring, because we spent a very long, good, awesome 20 years of being able to get by and pay the bills playing music, which is not easy to do anyway because it's the music business and it's horrible… So yeah, I do electrical work, and it's great to separate my mind. It has its own art and its own thing to it. And I love all the dudes I work with. Mike and I, when we moved to Dallas and we were doing electrical work and listening to like late '90s music, and that's some of the influence that I had during the writing process of the 'Sinner' record [DROWNING POOL's 2001 debut album]. And now here I am doing electrical work again, and the dudes I work with, they like to listen to late '90s kind of stuff, so I'm in the exact same mindframe I was in. And then Ryan's staying in my house, in my studio and writing songs. So the stuff that's coming out now naturally has very, very 'Sinner' foundation to it. I know I've said that before in the past, but this time around, I'm not trying to write a 'Bodies Part 2' or 'Tear Away Part 2', but it's just coming out like that. So we have these new ideas that [sound like that], but with Ryan included on it. So it's, it's been a cool mix. The new stuff, the little bit that we played for the people that are around us that have seen it or heard it, the reaction has been really, really cool. You can tell — they're, like, 'Oh my God.' So I'm excited about it."

Acesta a continuat: "I'm just being honest with you. I'm not trying to pump myself up. You never know what people are gonna expect. And you play a little bit and you just see their eyes light up like they do when they hear 'Bodies'. So I'm, like, 'All right, we're on to something good.' So I can't wait to get new stuff out."

In iulie, Pierce a declarat pentru Brutal Planet Magazine ca DROWNING POOL are trei cantece noi care sunt "pretty much done." Chitaristul a vorbit si in termeni mai generali despre procesul de compunere a cantecelor DROWNING POOL, spunand: "It's always been us since day one — Mike, Stevie and myself. We've been writing together since day one. The thing is we had a couple of different singer switches here and there. But it's fun having Ryan back in it, 'cause we did a lot of great songs with him back then and we're back on it. We've never been closer and we've never been more solid. Writing with these guys, especially now with Mike, we're in a room and it's almost like you don't even have to think," a explicat acesta. "You just know he's gonna go here, I'm gonna go there, and it just falls into place.' And it's awesome to be in a place now where you have an idea or a feeling or a thought and you can just put it out there and the other guys know what to do to express that right out the gate. We do try a lot of different things — 'Let's try this part. Let's try that part' — but it seems like we just fall into where we wanna be and need to be for the song to highlight and make it elevate to the rock song that you hear when you come [and see us play]."

„Sinner” a fost certificat cu disc de platina in sase saptamani de la lansarea sa in 2001, in timp ce primul single al CD-ului, „Bodies”, a fost unul dintre videoclipurile cel mai des difuzate pe MTV. DROWNING POOL a ajuns la un public din ce in ce mai mare cu spectacole dinamice la Wrestlemania XVIII si Ozzfest in timpul verilor anilor 2001 si 2002. Din pacate, succesul lor nu a durat totusi foarte mult. La scurt timp dupa ce a starnit multimea la Ozzfest din Indianapolis, Indiana, pe 3 august 2002, vocalistul Dave „Stage” Williams a fost gasit mort din cauze naturale in autobuzul de turneu.

McCombs a avut primele sale spectacole cu DROWNING POOL pe 17 martie la Club L.A. in Destin, Florida si pe 18 martie, la festivalul Throwdown At The Campground din Fruitland Park, Florida.

Solistul SOIL, care locuieste in Swindon, Anglia din 2018, s-a alaturat initial DROWNING POOL in 2005 si a aparut pe doua dintre albumele de studio ale trupei, „Full Circle” (2007) si „Drowning Pool” (2010), precum si un album live, 2009 „Cel mai tare numit comun”. S-a alaturat permanent trupei SOIL dupa ce a parasit DROWNING POOL in 2011.

Potrivit Metal Edge, McCombs va continua pe viitor sa cante si cu SOIL si cu DROWNING POOL.

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