Festivalul Blastfest din Norvegia s-a anulat

de Cristi Nedelcu

Festivalul Blastfest din Norvegia s-a anulat

Festivalul Blastfest, care avea loc in Norvegia nu se va mai organiza anul acesta, principalul motiv fiind vanzarile slabe de bilete.

In plus este posibil ca nici pe viitor sa nu mai auzim de acest festival pentru ca firma care se ocupa de organizare se va dizolva.

Iata declaratia de pe pagina lor de Facebook:


Blastfest has though several years pleased Metal og Hardrock fans abdroad and domestic. The festival was arranged first year in 2014. Great names has been presented, first and foremost for the local Bergen audience, but also for a number of guests from abroad..

Blastfest AS has tried to continue arranging the festival, but du to low ticketsales and low forecasts for ticketsale, the board of the company, with regrets, has found it correct to cancel the festival. The company has been delivered to The Bergen Tingrett for dissolution of the company.

Bergen Februar 1, 2017

The Board

Blastfest AS"

Prime editie a festului a avut loc in 2014.

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