FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH lanseaza videoclipul pentru "Judgment Day"

de Cristi Nedelcu

FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH lanseaza videoclipul pentru

FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH a lansat videoclipul oficial pentru „Judgment Day”, piesa inclusa pe cel mai recent album al trupei, „AfterLife” din 2022.

Clipul regizat de Nick Peterson, care il are pe solistul Ivan Moody in rolul unui erou de benzi desenate care invinge un grup de traficanti de persoane, prezinta o poveste si un concept video realizate de Moody si o animatie speciala efectuata de Tristan Zammit si Rodrigo Silveira.

Anul trecut, chitaristul FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH, Zoltan Bathory, a declarat pentru Midland Daily News ca a abordat procesul de compunere a pieselor pentru „Judgment Day” cu ideea de a crea "a soundtrack to the process of dying."

Vorbind despre propria sa experienta cu moartea, Bathory a declarat: "When you have a near-death experience, a really bizarre thing happens. First and foremost, you're aware of you're dying. What happens, the resolution, what you're hearing, the resolution of your perception, first and foremost it becomes more multi-directional. Humans are very linear because we think in a linear way. We're born and we die at some point, and I would think the in between is sequential. So we are tied to this timeline and that's how we think. And in the process of death, that goes away. Somehow time stops... It's almost like your mind goes up from 10 percent to 100 percent activity and you can remember everything you ever thought at the same time. And then another thing happens. This part is a little bit scary because your perception collapses on yourself. You realize in the moment that everything you ever heard or looked at wasn't real. It wasn't real because everything that you see, you're not actually seeing that. It's a proton, basically, that impacts your retina. So it becomes electronic information. It travels in your neuro path, in your brain, and your brain will interpret that. It will paint a picture. It's like if a tree falls in the forest, will it make a sound? No, it cannot make a sound. You make the sound. Your perception makes the sound."

Acesta a adaugat: "In the process of dying, you realize that everything that ever happened, that you ever experienced, happened within your mind. Because that's where it was assembled. And that's a scary moment because at that moment you start questioning if anything is real and if you're alone completely... And I wanted to put that in a song."

Bathory a spus ca a scris muzica pentru „Judgement Day” si i-a dat apoi piesa lui Moody sa-si creeze versurile.

"I gave the song to Ivan to write the lyrics," Zoltan recalled. "He freaked out. He said, 'I'm not writing this song. I don't want to [relive it].' He immediately got it. 'I've been there. I know what this is. When I die, this is what happens.'"

„AfterLife” a fost din nou inregistrat la Hideout Recording Studio din Las Vegas, Nevada, detinuta si operata de Kevin Churko, producatorul/inginerul si compozitorul canadian de discuri care a lucrat pe toate albumele FIVE FINGER, incepand cu lansarea „War Is The Answer” din 2009.

„AfterLife” este primul album al trupei FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH cu renumitul Andy James, care l-a inlocuit pe Jason Hook in 2020. James a fost prezentat anterior pe piesa „Broken World”.

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