Formatia Eva Plays Dead din UK a fost jefuita

de Andreea Gherfi

Formatia Eva Plays Dead din UK a fost jefuita

Membrii formatiei Eva Plays Dead din UK trec prin momente extrem de grele dupa ce s-au trezit "usurati" de echipamente in valoare de 3000 de lire. Eva Plays Dead ar trebui sa cante la Macmillan Fest si FortFest, un lucru care este destul de dificil acum.

"Guys. Absolutely heartbroken to be writing this but basically, we have been robbed. Our van was broken in to and around £3,000 worth of gear has been taken including Seb's drum kit, Matt's pedalboard and Zach's amp heads. Please share this status to raise awareness of anybody trying to sell the list posted in the comments below.

We are trying to work with the police but we know of far too many cases where bands have been robbed and unable to recover their gear so we are producing a run of a one-off tee shirt to help raise funds to contribute to replacements. We have also included a link where you can donate extra PayPal if you decide to and we still have other stock at our mech store. EPD have big bills to pay over the coming months so this could not have come at a worse time, particularly a month before our appearances at Macmillan Fest and Fortfest."

T-shirt here:

Lista echipamentelor furate:

-Hiwatt Maxwatt guitar amp (stickers on front)

-Laney bass amp

-Pedal train pro

-Voodoo lab pedal power 2

-Korg pitch black+ tuner

-Boss ns2

-MXR custom badass distortion

-Dr Green hairy tongue fuzz

-TC electronic flashback delay x4

-EHX (electronic harmonix) Pog2

-Vox wah

-Puretone ABY soft touch

-Shure P series wireless

-Gretsch Renown RN2-R644 drum kit

-3x protection racket soft cases (24x16, 13x9, 16x16)

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