GUNS N' ROSES au lansat un nou single, intitulat "Perhaps"

de Cristi Nedelcu

GUNS N' ROSES au lansat un nou single, intitulat

Noul single GUNS N' ROSES „Perhaps” a fost lansat pe posturile de radio din Statele Unite si in online si poate fi ascultat mai jos in articol.

Lansarea oficiala a cantecului din era „Chinese Democracy”, care initial era de asteptat sa fie disponibil worldwide inca de vinerea trecuta (11 august), vine la cateva zile dupa ce piesa a fost difuzata pe aparatele TouchTunes din baruri si alte locatii din intreaga lume.

Piesa a fost lansata prin Geffen Records, care este detinuta de Universal Music Group.

Se pare ca GUNS N' ROSES au facut sound-check-ul la piesa „Perhaps” inainte de concertul trupei la Tel Aviv, Israel, de pe 5 iunie, dar pana la urma trupa a ajuns sa nu o mai cante live. Cu toate acestea, fanii care stateau in afara locatiei in timpul sound check-ului s-au grabit sa-si scoata telefoanele si sa inregistreze repetitia, postand apoi in online clipurile rezultate.

La fel ca single-ul lansat in 2021 de GUNS N' ROSES, „Hard Skool”, „Perhaps” a fost initial scris si inregistrat in timpul sesiunilor pentru „Chinese Democracy”, iar o versiune demo aproximativa a cantecului a fost lansata anterior si incarcata pe YouTube.

Luna trecuta, managerul de productie al formatiei GUNS N' ROSES, Tom Mayhue, a confirmat ca un nou single al trupei va fi lansat in curand.

Mayhue a discutat despre planurile de viitor ale trupei, mentionand ca aceasta va termina etapa nord-americana a turneului la mijlocul lunii octombrie, adaugand: "And I know that the band's gonna start working on new music. They've got a bunch of stuff recorded already. So there will be new GUNS N' ROSES music very soon. In fact, I think they're trying to get a single out any day now, so you may hear something very, very soon."

In ceea ce priveste sound-ul noului material GUNS N' ROSES, Mayhue a spus: "It sounds great. It's a lot more kind of 'Appetite [For Destruction]'-orientated. They had a lot of songs. When the band went in originally and recorded 'Appetite For Destruction', I think they recorded, like, 29 songs. So there's a bunch of other music that was left over that didn't make the first record. I think there's only 11 songs on the first record."

In iunie trecut, Studiourile Urban Sound din Oslo au distribuit o noua fotografie cu Rose si chitaristul GUNS N' ROSES Slash, facuta aparent a doua zi dupa spectacolul trupei la festivalul Tons Of Rock din capitala Norvegiei. Poza a fost postata pe contul de Instagram Urban Sound Studios impreuna cu urmatorul mesaj "We got to hang out with these 2 rock legends in the studio today. Really cool guys! (The two in the middle...). The band wanted a nice studio with a variety of speakers and headphones to listen to new mixes before they head for Glastonbury. It sounds awesome!"

In timpul unei aparitii din octombrie 2022 la emisiunea „Trunk Nation With Eddie Trunk” de la SiriusXM, Slash a fost intrebat despre planurile GUNS N’ ROSES pentru muzica noua in lunile urmatoare. El a spus: "I wanna go in and cut a whole brand new record at some point, probably sooner than later. But other than that, we have stuff that we've still got to come out. So that's gonna be coming out piecemeal over the next — I don't know — over the next few months or something like that. So that's basically it. We have one more tour left to do next summer, and then that'll free us up to be able to go in and work on a new record."

Cea mai recenta lansare a trupei GUNS N' ROSES a fost un EP cu patru cantece, „Hard Skool”, care a aparut in februarie 2022. Materialul, care a fost exclusiv dispinibil in magazinul oficial al GUNS N' ROSES, continea cele doua piese noi ale trupei lansate in 2021 – piesa de titlu si „Absurd” (stilizata ca „ABSUD”) – precum si versiuni live ale „Don’t Cry” si „You’re Crazy”.

Potrivit lui Slash, alte cateva piese mai vechi GUNS N' ROSES au fost, de asemenea, reproiectate in timpul pandemiei. "There's a handful of those songs that we actually fixed up and did when we were in lockdown," a explicat el la "Trunk Nation With Eddie Trunk".

"So those have yet to be released. So those are gonna come out. They're really good, too. So I'm excited for those. We're just gonna put out like one or two songs, and another one or two songs. And I think that's gonna be pretty much all of 'em. I'm not sure exactly how many we did in total." a incheiat acesta.

Cand gazda Eddie Trunk a remarcat ca „Hard Skool” a fost un material foarte puternic, Slash a spus: "These other ones, they don't have the same kind of amount of history, 'cause I know 'Hard Skool' seriously has… [it] goes way back. But there's a couple of epic ones coming out, so I'm excited about that."

Daca si cand se va intampla, noul album de studio GUNS N' ROSES va fi primul sub steagul GUNS de la „Chinese Democracy” si primul care ii va prezenta reuniti pe Slash, solistul Axl Rose si basistul Duff McKagan din 1993 pana in prezent.

Slash a vorbit anterior despre „Hard Skool”, una dintre primele doua melodii pe care le-a inregistrat cu GUNS N' ROSES in mai bine de 25 de ani, in februarie intr-un interviu acordat publicatiei Rolling Stone. Pe vremea aceea arstul a spus: "'Hard Skool', in essence, was a completed song when I was first introduced to it. And Duff and I went in and redid the bass and the guitars. It's a simple song, so it didn't take a hell of a lot of thought and analysis. I think it was a lot of fun just because it was part and parcel of a bunch of stuff that we were working on that was all sort of new — at least to Duff and I — so we had a good time."

In octombrie 2021, Slash a declarat pentru emisiunea Audacy Check In, sustinuta de Remy Maxwell, ca GUNS N' ROSES nu a inceput inca sa scrie material nou dupa ce a lansat cele doua melodii din sesiunile „Chinese Democracy”.

"As far as new GUNS is concerned, we haven't even gotten to that point of really in earnest sitting down and writing," a spus Slash. "We've been doing a lot of material that's been sort of sitting around for a while. So that will be a whole focused endeavor unto itself."

Cat despre cum au aparut „Hard Skool” si „Absurd”, Slash a spus: "They both have a lot of history. What happened was Axl has all these songs that he recorded at some point along the way. And so Duff and I went in and re-did them, basically… Like, I wrote my own kind of parts to what else is going on, and [we] just sort of took the drums and re-did everything else."

Scrisa de Rose si coprodusa de Rose si Caram Costanzo, „Hard Skool”, care avea titlul provizoriu „Jackie Chan”, a fost inregistrata initial in timpul erei „Chinese Democracy” a trupei, dar a fost in cele din urma eliminata de pe acel album. Scurte clipuri ale melodiei au fost postate ulterior online, iar o versiune completa a fost difuzata in august 2019.

„Absurd” a aparut pe 6 august 2021, la trei zile dupa ce GUNS N’ ROSES a interpretat melodia live pentru prima data in timpul concertului de la Fenway Park din Boston.

GUNS N' ROSES a interpretat ultima data „Silkworms”, care ar fi fost scrisa si aceasta in timpul sesiunilor „Chinese Democracy”, in 2001.

Mai jos puteti asculta piesa „Perhaps”.

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