Harry Shearer in proces cu distribuitorii filmului 'This Is Spinal Tap'

de Andreea Gherfi

Harry Shearer in proces cu distribuitorii filmului 'This Is Spinal Tap'

Va mai aduceti aminte de celebrul documentarul "This Is Spinal Tap" din 1984 in care membrii formatiei Spinal Tap traiesc visul oricarui rocker din lume? Ei bine, Harry Shearer, co-producator si actor in film, a dat in judecata distribuitorul de film VIVENDI din Franta pe motiv ca acesta ar fi ascuns o parte importanta din incasari. Harry Shearer doreste sa obtina in urma acestui proces suma de 125 de milioane de dolari.

“Almost 40 years ago, Christopher Guest, Michael McKean, Rob Reiner and I created the somewhat legendary band Spinal Tap. We thought there was something real and really funny about the characters, and between that inception and the theatrical release of This Is Spinal Tap in 1984, we poured ourselves into nurturing and perfecting the paean to rock loudness that has entertained so many people, even today. But despite the widespread success of the film and its music, we’ve fallen victim to the same sort of fuzzy and falsified entertainment industry accounting schemes that have bedevilled so many other creators. In this instance, the fraud and negligence were just too egregious to ignore. Also, this time, it was personal.

This is a simple issue of artists’ rights. It is stunning that after all this time, two cinema releases, all the various home video format releases, all the records and CDs, and all the band-themed merchandise still widely available worldwide, the only people who haven’t shared Spinal Tap’s success are those who formed the band and created the film in the first place.

Vivendi and its subsidiaries – which own the rights to thousands and thousands of creative works – have, at least in our case, conducted blatantly unfair business practices. But I wouldn’t be surprised if our example were the tip of the iceberg. Though I’ve launched this lawsuit on my own, it is in reality a challenge to the company on behalf of all creators of popular films whose talent has not been fairly remunerated. I am just one person seeking redress for blatant injustice, but I hope this lawsuit will, in its own way, help set a new precedent for faithful and transparent accounting practices, and fair artistic compensation, industry-wide.”, a declarat Harry Shearer

Declaratia lui Shearer poate fi vazuta aici: http://bit.ly/HarryShearerTweet

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