Interviu Metalhead Meeting 2016: Perihelion

de Andreea Gherfi

Interviu Metalhead Meeting 2016: Perihelion

Proiectul Perihelion s-a nascut in 2014 avand radacinile deja formate in grupul Neokhrome (2001-2014). In cei doi ani de existenta, 2 EP-ul si 2 albume full-lenght au fost lansate sub semnatura Perihelion: Nap fele nez (2016, EP), Perihelion (2014), Zeng (2015) si Hold (EP 2016). Formatia isi descrie stilul muzical ca fiind "majestic, soaring, chaotic soundscapes floating towards the farthest regions of what mind can grasp", elemente ce pot regasite si in artwork-urile albumelor.

Metalhead: What kind of energy you expect from the Romanian public?

Since we played in Romania many times before, it’s always a pleasure to play in front of people who like what we do and it gives us energy.

Metalhead: How would you describe your sound to metalheads who never heard your band before?

Perihelion plays majestic, soaring, chaotic soundscapes floating towards the farthest regions of what mind can grasp.

Metalhead: What are you preparing for your show at Metalhead Meeting (new songs, anything special related to your performance)?

Our set will consist of songs off our latest full-length „Zeng” and our new EP „Hold”

Metalhead: What are the main elements that inspire your music?

Space, the sun, as well as a multitude of thoughts and emotions

Metalhead: What do you think is your biggest achievement as a band?

We are able to make the music we all love.

Metalhead: Can you name 5 awesome bands that Metalhead readers should know about?

There are way too many awesome bands to pick five.

Metalhead: Thank you for answering, any message you want to send to metal fans who will come to see you at MHM?

See you there on 4th June!

Abonamentele si biletele pentru acest eveniment se gasesc in format electronic pe si in format fizic in retelele iaBilet (, Eventim, Myticket si (locatii fizice in toata tara: Muzica, Metrou Unirii 1, IQ BOX, Say Shops, Perfect Tour, Senia, terminalele ZebraPay, Diverta, Vodafone, Orange, Germanos, Carturesti, Humanitas, Sala Palatului, oficiile Postei Romane, inMedio etc..)

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