John Campbell de la Lamb of God a discutat despre un posibil show special pentru cea de-a 20-a aniversare a albumului "As The Palaces Burn"

de Cristi Nedelcu

John Campbell de la Lamb of God a discutat despre un posibil show special pentru cea de-a 20-a aniversare a albumului

Basistul Lamb of God, John Campbell, a fost intrebat daca exista planuri speciale pentru cea de-a douazecea aniversare a celui de-al treilea album, „As The Palaces Burn”, care a aparut in mai 2003 prin Prosthetic Records. Acesta a raspuns: „As far as the anniversary of that, these are just mile markers that, more often than, the marketing department and the record labels wanna celebrate. It's crazy for me to look back: holy s**t; that was how long ago? f**k! So, yes, we'll certainly take a moment to applaud that as the date comes around. If we play a show, maybe we'll do something special."

Campbell a vorbit, de asemenea, despre modul in care au evoluat compozitiile Lamb of God de la „As The Palaces Burn”, spunand: „I would say it was a lot more collaborative at that point in that we would have a part — someone would bring in a part — and we would all learn the part and then we would sit there and play the part over and over again; it was just drilled into everybody's head. And then add parts to that, or however that's gonna go. And that was also before it was easy to have a home recording studio where you could just have your laptop and plug your guitar in and start tracking. So that has definitely changed our approach in writing. We can definitely send stuff around and be able to listen to it in our own time to kind of work out extra stuff that we're gonna do or whatever we might wanna do. But as far as the goal of the writing, that's remained the same. From the beginning, we just wanted to be a metal band that would show up, you would watch, your jaw would hit the floor, and all the songs we played blazingly fast and tight. And that's kind of still been the focus.”

„As The Palaces Burn” a fost produsa de muzicianul si producatorul canadian Devin Townsend.

In ceea ce priveste modul in care Townsend a ajuns sa fie implicat in proiect, tobosarul de atunci al trupei Lamb of God, Chris Adler, a declarat pentru revista Revolver: „I've been a big fan of Devin's production style for a really long time. He'd heard the last record, he saw us when we played Vancouver, and he was into what we were trying to do, which was really exciting for us. He came down to Richmond, we brought him to the studio straight off the plane, and we started working that night. The first thing we did was set up all the instruments and play the entire album, from first song to last. We were like, 'This is the album, these are the songs — this is the way they're staying. We need your help in getting great performances out of us, great sounds, and gluing them together.' And he came through like a champ.”

In 2013, Lamb of God au lansat o editie speciala pentru cea de-a zecea aniversare a albumului „As The Palaces Burn”, cu toate melodiile de pe album remixate si remasterizate, alaturi de trei piese demo bonus.

Cel mai recent album al trupei, intitulat „Omens”, a fost lansat in octombrie 2022. LP-ul este continuarea albumului omonim al formatiei, album care a sosit in iunie 2020. Acest material a marcat primele inregistrari ale trupei Lamb of God cu bateristul Art Cruz, care s-a alaturat formatiei in iulie 2019 ca inlocuitor al lui Chris Adler.

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