Kamelot anunta lansarea primului album din ultimii cinci ani, intitulat "The Awakening"

de Cristi Nedelcu

Kamelot anunta lansarea primului album din ultimii cinci ani, intitulat

Trupa de modern metal simfonic Kamelot va lansa primul lor album din ultimii cinci ani, album intitulat „The Awakening”, pe 17 martie prin Napalm Records.

Dupa lansarea unor materiale care au ajuns in topul metalului modern la nivel international, cum ar fi „The Fourth Legacy” (1999), „The Black Halo” (2005), „Silverthorn” (2012), „Haven” (2015) si „The Shadow Theory” (2018), albumul „The Awakening” intra in discografia Kamelot ca fiind cel mai diversificat album din punct de vedere muzical al trupei. Noul material contine stiluri din diverse subgenuri de metal, imbinand influente simfonice, gotice, melodice, progresive si power metal.

Solistul Kamelot, Tommy Karevik, a declarat: „The main focus on this video and song was to have a metaphor for the struggles of fighting disease or illness, whether it being physical or mental. Each step of healing and recovery is another flag in the ground. With every little step, one more victory won…"

Chitaristul de la Kamelor, Thomas Youngblood, spune: „With 'The Awakening', we have one of our most diverse albums in years. We've fused elements from progressive, power and gothic metal to symphonic and melodic metal on this one. Working with incredible guest artists from around the music industry and having producer Sascha Paeth and Jacob Hansen mixing gave us another step up on overall sound. This album offers everything to KAMELOT fans and also reaches beyond borders to new metal and hard rock legions."

Kamelot este una dintre putinele trupe din genul simfonic care imbratiseaza pe deplin intunericul, utilizand mereu teme lirice inspirationale si captivante, avand piese care emana o forta puternica, abordand de asemenea sbubiecte precum depasirea bataliilor personale si evolutia personala individuala.

Piesele incluse pe noul album, "The Awakening" sunt:

01. Overture (Intro)
02. The Great Divide
03. Eventide
04. One More Flag In The Ground
05. Opus Of The Night (Ghost Requiem)
06. Midsummer's Eve
07. Bloodmoon
08. Nightsky
09. The Looking Glass
10. New Babylon
11. Willow
12. My Pantheon (Forevermore)
13. Ephemera (Outro)

Videoclipul oficial pentru primul single al LP-ului, „One More Flag In The Ground”, poate fi vizionat mai jos in articol.

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