Killswitch Engage au discutat despre viitorul album

de Cristi Nedelcu

Killswitch Engage au discutat despre viitorul album

Killswitch Engage au lansat Atonement in 2019 si, desi se discuta despre un nou album, nu s-a anuntat inca o continuare oficiala. Potrivit liderului Killswitch Engage, Jesse Leach, intr-un interviu acordat pentru Primordial Radio, trupa se axeaza pe calitate iar procesul de compunere si productie al unui nou album, va fi unul lent.

"The album is… taking a lot longer than, I think, any of us anticipated, because there's a lot of quality control going on. And making sure that it's fresh; we're not repeating ourselves. So that process has been a little arduous but I think necessary because we don't wanna put out something that people are gonna go, 'Oh, yeah. Another Killswitch record. Whatever.'"

Intr-adevar este de dorit sa nu scoti cate un album la doi ani doar pentru a ramane in vizorul fanilor cu un album de nivel mediocru. Astfel, Killswitch Engage doresc sa revizuiasca muzica lor si sa pregateasca ceva cu adevarat special pentru public.

"We're solidifying a lot, but there's still some back-and-forth and looking at parts and rewriting the music. And then I'm revisiting a lot of the lyrics. I've actually rewritten a bunch of stuff. 'Cause we all got together and had a meeting, and all of us just kind of gave our input on everything, and I took notes. It's the first time, really, I think we've done that. But, again, I do believe that it's necessary at our stage in our career to really just kind of get all of our heads together to make sure that this record is gonna be what we all feel is a good representation of who we are right now."

Desi poate nu se va intampla anul acesta, Killswitch Engage pregatesc ceva nou si cu siguranta va fi un material unic, diferit.

Mai jos puteti urmari interviul cu Jesse Leach.

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