KREATOR lanseaza o noua piesa insotita de un videoclip: "Conquer And Destroy"

de Cristi Nedelcu

KREATOR lanseaza o noua piesa insotita de un videoclip:

Veteranii de thrash metal KREATOR au lansat un videoclip pentru piesa „Conquer And Destroy” de pe cel mai apreciat album al lor, „Hate Uber Alles”. Filmarea spectacolului a fost realizata pe 4 martie 2023 in fata a 6.000 de fani KREATOR in Essen.

Acest spectacol special de la Grugahalle a cuprins nu numai un setlist KREATOR cu piese lansate de-a lungul carierei trupei dar si o productie de ultima generatie uimitoare din punct de vedere vizual, care a consolidat evenimentul ca o noapte de neuitat pentru toti cei prezenti. De la deschiderea „Hate Uber Alles” pana la bisul final al „Pleasure To Kill”, spectacolul a fost un veritabil show.

KREATOR si-a unit fortele cu gigantii brazilieni de metal SEPULTURA pentru un turneu care are loc in America de Nord, „Klash Of The Titans”, in mai si iunie 2023. Trupele invitate in deschidere sunt DEATH ANGEL si SPIRITWORLD.

Intr-un interviu recent acordat pentru El Cuartel Del Metal, solistul KREATOR, Mille Petrozza, a fost intrebat daca acorda atentie la ce au de spus fanii despre muzica trupei sale pe retelele de socializare, mai ales acum dupa lansarea unui nou album. El a raspuns: „I know I shouldn't do this, but the band KREATOR is so important for me, and also it's important to know what our fans think of the music. First and foremost, of course, we have to love the music. And I totally get why… You cannot be loved by everyone. KREATOR wouldn't be KREATOR if all of a sudden the whole world would love what we do. That's not how things work. If you have a unique sound, there will be people that (say) it's not what they expected- which is fair enough." a spus acesta.

"But to answer your question — do I listen to comments? I shouldn't but I sometimes do," a declarat Mille. "But then, on the other hand, I know that… It would be bad if people wouldn't care at all. If people are disappointed about some of the songs or the direction we're taking just means that they care. If people still care and they still feel offended that we have… For example, on the new album ('Hate Uber Alles'), we have a female singer and some people were, like, 'Yeah, it's not thrash.' Whatever".

Intrebat daca asta ii influenteaza in vreun fel muzica, Mille a spus: "No. No, no, no, no, no. That fuels the fire, really. We do wanna be KREATOR and we do wanna enjoy what we do. When I go into the studio, we have all this great technology and these tools and we have these great people that we're working with. And in the studio we're so creative and we don't follow any rules. Why would we? I didn't get into metal to follow the rules of some elitists that tell me what metal is about. The moment that happens I'm gonna just quit because that would be so wrong. I like the fact that people have opinions- don't get me wrong," a clarificat acesta. "But I also have my own opinion and I have my own view and I know how KREATOR should sound. And we do it with passion and we do it with honesty and we're straight up. We love thrash metal, we love all kinds of metal, and we love all kinds of music. It's what we do. And you can't be everyone's darling."

Cel de-al cincisprezecelea album de studio al lui KREATOR, „Hate Uber Alles”, a fost lansat in iunie 2022. Continuarea „Gods Of Violence” din 2017 a fost inregistrata la Hansa Tonstudio din Berlin, Germania. De conducerea sesiunilor de inregistrari s-a ocupat Arthur Rizk, care a lucrat anterior cu CAVALERA CONSPIRACY, CODE ORANGE, POWER TRIP si SOULFLY.

Coperta „Hate Uber Alles” a fost creata de Eliran Kantor, care a colaborat anterior cu HATEBREED, SOULFLY, TESTAMENT, ICED EARTH si SODOM, printre altele.

„Hate Uber Alles” marcheaza primul album KREATOR cu basistul Frederic Leclercq, care s-a alaturat grupului in 2019.

In martie 2020, KREATOR a lansat surpriza un nou single, „666 - World Divided”. Piesa a fost produsa de Andy Sneap si Markus Ganter si a fost inregistrata la Hansa Tonstudios.

KREATOR a sustinut primul spectacol cu Leclercq in octombrie 2019 in Santiago, Chile.

Inainte de a se alatura trupei KREATOR, Leclercq a devenit faimos cu grupul DRAGONFORCE din Marea Britanie pentru care a cantat la bass din 2005 pana in august 2019.

Mai jos puteti asculta noua piesa KREATOR.

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