Marilyn Manson a vorbit pentru prima oara despre accidentul suferit

de Cristi Nedelcu

Marilyn Manson a vorbit pentru prima oara despre accidentul suferit

Pe 30 Septembrie, Marilyn Manson a fost victima unui accident nefericit in timpul concertului sau din New York - Detalii AICI.

Artistul a vorbit de curand cu cei de la Yahoo! Music despre acel episod, declarand ca a trecut prin momente agonizante si ca durerea era pur si simplu insuportabila.

Manson se va reintoarce pe scena pe 5 Noiembrie, in cadrul Ozzfest Meets Knotfest.

Iata cateva extrase din declaratia lui Manson.

"I only recently watched the video of it. I can see how it could look terrifying. It was terrifying for me, because the truss was not secured properly.

I wasn’t trying to climb it. It started to fall and I tried to push back and I didn’t get out the way in time. I’m not sure what I hit my head on, but it did fall onto my leg and break the fibula in two places. The pain was excruciating.

Doctors inserted a plate and 10 screws into the bone, plus another screw through his ankle bone, then wrapped a solid cast around his leg. It often takes people with such injuries between 12 and 16 weeks to recover, according to Healthline."

It definitely could have crushed my skull and my ribs. I have some minor bruising in that area, but it took six guys to pull it off of me. It was like wrestling a giant iron monster.

The thing that pisses me off most is that I’m not onstage, because that’s where I should be. And with a cast on my leg, it’s hard to talk about the excitement of the tour. It got cut off right as I was about to put it into second gear. But I’ll be back there really shortly and it’s going to be as exciting as it was starting out."

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