Nothing More vor scoate un nou album

de Cristi Nedelcu

Nothing More vor scoate un nou album

Nothing More au facut un pas urias cu albumul "The Stories We Tell Ourselves".

In timpul unei discutii cu 95,9 KRFF din Dakota de Nord, chitaristul Mark Vollelunga a dezvaluit ca grupul este pregatit pentru un nou album de studio.

"We're 100 percent focused on the next record. We're excited. We did, I forget how many shows last year, I think it was over 150. We were gone about 250 days. We played most countries that speak English, so the tours have been an awesome experience. It's going to feel great to finally put that down and put all of our attention on what's to come."- A spus Mark.

Grupul din San Antonio, Texas, are la activ 5 albume de studio, cel mai recent fiind "The Stories We Tell Ourselves" din 2017 , album nominalizat la premiile Grammy.

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