Pete Townshend de la The Who lanseaza primul single solo din ultimii 30 de ani

de Cristi Nedelcu

Pete Townshend de la The Who lanseaza primul single solo din ultimii 30 de ani

Pete Townshend de la The Who a lansat primul sau single solo din ultimii 30 de ani, intitulat „Can’t Outrun the Truth”. Piesa a fost scrisa impreuna cu colega artista Rachel Fuller si a fost creata ca raspuns la efectele pandemiei COVID-19.

„This lockdown's been bringin' me down,” intona Townshend in melodia care a aparut ca single cu scop caritabil. Incasarile sale vor ajuta organizatia din Regatul Unit dedicata luptei impotriva cancerului, Teenage Cancer Trust.

Townshend, chitaristul in varsta de 77 de ani si co-vocalistul The Who, nu a mai lansat un album solo de studio de la Psychoderelict din 1993. Fara sa includa piese unice, cum ar fi o reinregistrare a piesei „Parvardigar” a lui Townshend din 1972 si a lucrarii sale din 2014 la partitura The Americans, „Can’t Outrun the Truth” este intr-adevar primul sau single solo de la „Don’t Try to Make Me Real", de pe Psychoderelict.

„We'd just moved house and Pete was as happy as Larry up in his studio, working every day, and I put my back out”, explica Fuller intr-un comunicat de presa. ""I was just climbing the walls. I couldn't do any creative work and obviously we couldn't go anywhere".

Artista a continuat: „I really started to think about how unbelievably difficult this period of time was going to be for so many people. I wrote lyrics and then I sat at the piano and wrote the music, and then I thought I really would like to record it, because it's really not a bad song at all. And my singing days are long over, so I asked Pete to record the demo."

Townshend spune: „I've helped Rachel make the demos for several of her theatrical projects. She's a really a fast worker — it's not that you say to me, let's go into the studio for two weeks and work on this project. We do it, two hours later or an hour later, it's done.”

El a adaugat: „The pandemic years were terrible for charities — the Teenage Cancer Trust was created in order to take the money from a series of concerts at the Albert Hall every year and various other things and that had all dropped out. So the idea of doing this, which is something that has sprung out of lockdown about mental illness, but also for this particular charity.”

Townshend a incheiat spunand: „If you've got a scenario in which somebody in your family or a teenager has got cancer, they're being treated, lockdown hits, and you're not allowed to go and visit them. There's a poignancy to the whole thing about the song.”

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