Phil Anselmo a marturisit ca a fost molestat in copilarie

de Andreea Gherfi

Phil Anselmo a marturisit ca a fost molestat in copilarie

Intr-un interviu acordat revistei Rolling Stone, Phil Anselmo, controversatul fost solist al trupei Pantera, si-a deschis sufletul si a facut cateva dezvaluiri emotionante din copilaria sa, un subiect despre care Anselmo n-a vorbit niciodata pana acum.

"This is s**t I’ve never f*****g opened up about until now. But when people constantly talk about being a victim or something, there are going to be certain points where I have to step back and go, "Whoa, whoa, whoa". Especially when people shout and scream about us living in a rape culture and men are this evil product… guess who was molested his entire child-f*****g-hood by numerous people, both men and women… Me. Me."

“I’ve never told the world this, but I am now maybe because I’m almost 50 and I don’t give a f**k anymore. But it happened. I never blamed the world for it like I’m seeing kids today do, putting everybody in one box. And the same thing goes for race and all this s**t."

Intregul interviu poate fi citit aici.

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