Sammy Hagar & The Circle au facut un cover pentru 'Heroes' de la David Bowie

de Cristi Nedelcu

Sammy Hagar & The Circle au facut un cover pentru 'Heroes' de la David Bowie

Sammy Hagar & The Circle au facut un cover pentru 'Heroes' semnata David Bowie

"David Bowie's 'Heroes' is one of my favorite songs ever, and a chance to tip our hat to all those frontline workers on every level from the grocery stores, to the policeman and firefighters, doctors etc. that put their own lives at risk & do their jobs to help others. For us it kind of sums up 2020, the whole year. And to release it so close to his birthday and passing just makes it that more special.", a declarat Sammy.

Toate incasarile de pe urma melodiei vor fi donate familiilor nevoiase.

Noul clip pentru 'Heroes' poate fi vazut mai jos.

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