Serviciul de streaming Grooveshark a fost inchis

de Cristi Nedelcu

Serviciul de streaming Grooveshark a fost inchis

Unul dintre cele mai mari site-uri de muzica online a fost inchis pe 30 Aprilie.

Pe site se gaseau milioane de piese, pentru majoritatea dintre ele Grooveshark neavand licenta. De aceea, casele mari de discuri precum Relapse Records i-au dat in judecata pe cei din spatele Grooveshark. Acestia au fost gasiti vinovati la acuzatia de incalcarea a drepturilor de autor anul trecut in luna Septembrie.

Pe site-ul celor de la Grooveshar este scris urmatorul mesaj:

"Despite the best of intentions, we made very serious mistakes. We failed to secure licenses from rights holders for the vast amount of music on our service. That was wrong. We apologize."

Ca urmare a acestei masuri, reprezentantii Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) au declarat urmatoarele: "This is an important victory for artists and the entire music industry. For too long, Grooveshark built its business without properly compensating the artists, songwriters and everyone else who makes great music possible. This settlement ends a major source of infringing activity."

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