Shawn "Clown" Crahan de la Slipknot, spune ca albumul nelansat "Look Outside Your Window" ar putea iesi anul acesta

de Cristi Nedelcu


Percutionistul Slipknot- Shawn „Clown” Crahan- a declarat ca trupa planuieste sa scoata un set de 11 melodii nelansate anterior, inregistrate de patru membri ai trupei in timpul sesiunilor pentru LP-ul din 2008 „All Hope Is Gone”.

Crahan a dezvaluit existenta acestor piese in 2018, spunand ca el impreuna cu cantaretul Corey Taylor, chitaristul Jim Root si DJ Sid Wilson au scris melodiile acestea cu tente psihedelice in studio in timpul inregistrarii LP-ului „All Hope Is Gone".

In timp ce sustinea un interviu cu revista Upset, Crahan a declarat despre planurile trupei de a lansa aceste piese, sub denumirea provizorie „Look Outside Your Window”: „It's an amazing body of work. You will never hear another Corey Taylor like this. The music and the words… it's one of the best things I've ever done in my life.”

Crahan a completat spunand ca vrea sa se asigure ca totul va iesi perfect, ca proiectul nou va straluci si va fi apreciat, fiind unul dintre cele mai bune proiecte ale trupei.

„We wouldn't want Slipknot to hurt 'Look Outside Your Window', and we wouldn't want 'Look Outside Your Window' to be a little irritation to Slipknot. Why? Because it's beautiful God art and people deserve it. The good news is that six months from now, April Fool's Day 2023, we're off the label. There are no plans to immediately release something, and we haven't talked about it, but I would imagine it'll probably come very soon afterwards. There's nothing else to do, and it's ready to go. It'll be worth the wait."- a incheiat artistul.

In aprilie 2021, pentru un interviu cu, Crahan a declarat despre „Look Outside Your Window”: "It's been mixed. It's been mastered. It's ready to go," he revealed. "We wanna put it out. But it's only gonna be put out when the priority is created correctly. It's up to everyone to sort of shut their mouths and not make it confusing. Don't let it affect Slipknot. That's the priority — Slipknot, Slipknot, Slipknot, Slipknot. Everything else is just beautiful things that branch off of it. Everyone, quit confusing it. Accept it. We are an anomaly. We're too much. We're everything and anything at the same time and no time at all."

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