Solista Nightwish, Floor Jansen si tobosarul Sabaton, Hannes Van Dahl vor aduce pe lume un nou copil

de Cristi Nedelcu

Solista Nightwish, Floor Jansen si tobosarul Sabaton, Hannes Van Dahl vor aduce pe lume un nou copil

Solista Nightwish, Floor Jansen si tobosarul Sabaton, Hannes Van Dahl vor aduce pe lume un nou copil. Floor a publicat vestea minunata via social media.

Artista a declarat: "Life is good! We will go from being with three to four! Freja will become a big sister! We are very happy to share this special news with you!!!"

Floor Jansen isi va lansa albumul solo de debut, Paragon, maine, pe 24 martie. Paragon este un album care va atrage atat fanii muzicii pop, cat si ai metalului, avand in vedere mixul de stiluri muzicale abordat de artista. Materialul este recomandat oricarui colectionar de muzica si este un real must-have pentru fanii Floor Jansen si Nightwish.

Paragon va fi lansat digital si fizic pe CD, vinil si o editie limitata de cutie de lux. Albumul va fi disponibil pe toate platformele de streaming majore si la comerciantii din intreaga lume. Puteti pre-comanda albumul aici.

Floor a declarat: "‘Look at me now, I’m already there!' To renew yourself and take leaps into the unknown makes you grow. To age is a gift not everyone gets. I am a fortunate woman who got to make an album I never knew I could make. One that even defines me, where I am on my path. I have reached my PARAGON! I am so proud of this work! And grateful for all the amazing people in this beautiful life that helped me get here!".

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