Steve Vai & Ozzy Osbourne au realizat impreuna un album intreg pe care nu l-au lansat niciodata

de Cristi Nedelcu

Steve Vai & Ozzy Osbourne au realizat impreuna un album intreg pe care nu l-au lansat niciodata

Steve Vai isi va lansa pe 24 februarie discul Gash, scris si inregistrat in 1991, cu regretatul Johnny "Gash" Sombrotto la voce. Aparent acesta nu este singurul disc pe care Vai nu l-a lansat pana in prezent, desi exista de multi ani si putea fi lansat in orice moment. Intr-un interviu acordat pentru Eonmusic, Vai a dezvaluit ca el si Ozzy Osbourne au realizat un album intreg la un moment dat, care a ramas nelansat pana in prezent.

„Well, I'm sitting on a whole Ozzy record, and it's like the Gash record — not 'like' the Gash record, but it's a project that I recorded that's sitting on the shelf,”, a spus Vai. „I don't have any control over it or rights to it, obviously, but we did record some pretty good stuff".

Vai a lucrat cu Osbourne pe la mijlocul anilor '90, scriind chiar si piesa „My Little Man” pentru albumul Ozzmosis din 1995. Vai a declarat ca in ceea ce priveste colaborarea pentru Ozzmosis aceasta ar fi putut merge mai departe, dar Sharon Osbourne si casa de discuri au vrut mai multi compozitori pentru acest disc.

„So Ozzy and I, basically what happened as far as I recognized, Ozzy had recorded about half of his record for the record company, and Sharon and the label wanted to get him together with some different songwriters to just get some more songs".

„I was one of the ones that they wanted to get together with. It was really just to write some songs for Ozzy's record that he would then take and go use for his record,and whoever he was working with on the record would record it. So I thought, 'Yeah, that'd be great. I'd love to do that.'"

Mai mult decat atat, Vai a dezvaluit ca piesa lui Gash „Danger Zone” a fost una la care atat el cat si Osbourne au lucrat, acestia doi colaborand inclusiv pentru propria sa piesa solo din 1996 „Fire Garden”.

Artistul a declarat: "Ozzy and I got carried away because we were having a lot of fun, and we ended up recording a lot of stuff and then we started scheming, 'Hey, let's make a new record.' And all that was fine and good, and we got excited about it until the hammer came down, and they basically said, 'What are you doing? No, you've just got to take a song from Vai and finish your record. We're already into it for this much money, and Vai is expense,' so it worked out perfect, really."

In ceea ce priveste modul in care suna albumul realizat cu Ozzy, Vai a spus: „The interesting thing about that stuff we recorded from a guitar perspective is all of my rhythm guitar parts, I use an octave divider [guitar effect], and that the record doesn't sound like anything else."

Nu uitati ca anul acesta aveti sansa sa il vedeti live pe Steve Vai la Sala Palatului, Bucuresti, pe 24 aprilie 2023.Biletele se gasesc aici.

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