Studiu: Metalistii sunt interesati de politica si societate

de Cristi Nedelcu

Studiu: Metalistii sunt interesati de politica si societate

Un nou studiu publicat de catre Plos One a incercat sa analizeze (din nou) tipurile de ascultatori de muzica.

Concluziile sunt urmatoarele:

Cei atrasi de formatii de punk, metal, rock si muzica complexa din punct de vedere instrumental au o tendinta sa fie interesati de modul in care functioneaza societatea, de politica si de probleme reale ale lumii.

In schimb, cei care sunt mai sensibili, cei care empatizeaza cu cei din jur la nivel emotional prefera muzica 'mai linistita'.

La studiu au luat parte 4.000 de participanti.

Mai jos aveti rezumatul studiului, publicat de catre cercetatorii care s-au ocupat de interpretarea datelor.

"First, they were asked to complete self-reporting questionnaires with statements designed to assess whether they were "empathizers" or "systemizers" overall. For example, people were asked whether they were interested in the design and construction of car engines and separately whether they were good at predicting how people were feeling.

Participants were then subjected to 50 short pieces of music spanning 26 different styles, and asked to give each a rating between one and 10. People who scored highly on empathy were more likely to be drawn to R&B, soft rock and folk. In contrast those who score more highly on systemizing tended to like music by heavy metal bands and more complex, avant-garde jazz."

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