Testarea participantilor este cheia organizarii de evenimente in parametrii normali

de Cristi Nedelcu

Testarea participantilor este cheia organizarii de evenimente in parametrii normali

In momentul de fata, peste tot in lume, evenimentele culturale de orice natura sunt organizate tinandu-se cont de diferite reguli impuse de autoritati pentru prevenirea raspandirii COVID-19.

Melvin Benn, directorul Festival Republic, a carui portofoliu cuprinde evenimente precum Download, Wireless sau varianta din Germanaia a Lollapalooza, este de parere ca festivalurile pot reveni in siguranta, desfasurandu-se intr-un mod normal cu o singura conditie. Testarea tuturor participantilor!

Acesta a discutat in cadrul unei intalniri cu DCMS (Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport), subiectul principal fiind redeschiderea locatiilor de concerte la capacitate maxima.

Benn a declarat ca nu ai cum sa iei parte la un festival si sa pastrezi distantarea sociala. De aceeas solutia este efectuarea de teste. Astfel, oricine ar veni la un festvial ar trebui testat, iar respectivul eveniment va avea loc in conditii normale, doar cu participanti carora li s-a confirmat ca nu au COVID.

"That was based on essentially testing people before they arrive at the festival or event and creating an environment where everybody in the space has been tested and have tested negative and therefore are unable to transmit the virus to other people. That gets rid of the need for social distancing.

The testing detects people that are asymptomatic so they would show up on the test and the reality is that the data shows that people that have been tested cannot, even if they then contract the virus themselves immediately afterwards, cannot transmit the virus to others for a minimum of 72 of 96 hours so that is part of that evidence."

Acesta este de parere ca in momentul de fata exista doua abordari ale problemei. Prima ar fi gasirea unui vaccin, iar a doua ar fi testarea tuturor. Chiar daca guvernele lumii in prezent urmaresc gasirea unui vaccin, testarea tuturor este in momemntul de fata mult mai la indemana.

"Plan A is a vaccine, and a vaccine would be terrific if we had that but we don’t know for definite whether we get it. Plan B which is an absolute certainty is to test everybody and allow everybody who is clear of the virus to enter the venue and work at the venue - and those that are carrying the virus are not allowed to enter."

Ramane de vazut daca ideea lui Benn va fi aprobata de cei cu putere de decizie si va fi pusa in practica.

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