The Offspring va incepe inregistrarea unui nou album in ianuarie 2023

de Cristi Nedelcu

The Offspring va incepe inregistrarea unui nou album in ianuarie 2023

Solistul trupei The Offspring- Bryan „Dexter” Holland- a confirmat pentru Times Colonist ca el si colegii sai de trupa intentioneaza sa intre in studio in ianuarie impreuna cu producatorul Bob Rock, pentru a incepe inregistrarea unui nou album, care urmeaza sa fie lansat anul viitor.

Albumul va reprezenta o continuare a „Let The Bad Times Roll” din 2021, care a fost un succes global urias, ajungand pe mai multe pozitii in multe topuri muzicale, 7 pozitii in top 5 si zece in top 10 la nivel international si noua pozitii in top zece in S.U.A. De asemenea albumul a ajuns pe locul 3 in topul din Marea Britanie si a ajuns pe locul 1 in topul Alternative Albums din S.U.A.

„In a funny way, I think the [pandemic] break really energized us," Holland a declarat pentru Times Colonist. "It gave us time to let us finish the last record, and we got the band real tight. We've decided to keep on going, so when we're in-between tours, we're working on new material.”

Holland a continuat spunand ca el si colegii sai de trupa planuiesc sa calatoreasca pe rollercoaster cat de mult pot. „The nature of the music business is that you never know when your time is up," a declarat acesta. "We're very fortunate to still be here. But as Jim Morrison once said, 'The future is uncertain and the end is always near.' It always seems like we can do this for a few more years — people are still coming to the shows, and we're still getting played on the radio — so for the time being it seems okay. But beyond that, who knows?".

Intr-un interviu anterior cu Dallas Observer, Dexter a declarat despre decizia de a lansa un album in timpul pandemiei de coronavirus: „It seems like a strange thing to release a record right in the middle of a pandemic when you can't tour. It had been so long since we had done a record, and we didn't want to wait anymore. We thought, 'This is what we do as a band, so let's go ahead and put it out anyway.' It wasn't supposed to be that long. You just get busy with touring and what else goes on and writing songs. We go into the studio when we can; we don't really block off, like, 'Okay, in six months we're going to write a record.' The songs have to come when they come, so it took a little longer. I went back to school for a while, there were a bunch of things, so we did not intend for it to take that long, but it just did. That was the time when the record was finished and we thought, 'Well, what the hell. Let's get it out”.

Considerata frecvent ca fiind una dintre cele mai bune trupe rock din toate timpurile, The Offspring si-a castigat o reputatie pentru sunetul inconfundabil si mesajele sociale transmise. Trupa premiata de mai multe ori cu platina a obtinut pentru prima data succesul mondial in anii 1990 odata cu lansarea albumului „Smash”, care s-a vandut in peste 11 milioane de copii. Dupa „Smash”, au continuat sa lanseze hit dupa hit, popularizand rock-ul si aducandu-l la nivel mainstream.

Holland a spus despre album ca este "probably the most cathartic thing we've done....The messages might be dark, but at the end, what's left is that communication is important, working through feelings is important and most of all, hope is important."

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