Thy Art Is Murder doreste sa atraga atenia asupra presedintelui Donald Trump

de Cristi Nedelcu

Thy Art Is Murder doreste sa atraga atenia asupra presedintelui Donald Trump

Dupa lansarea celui de-al patrulea album de studio “Human Target”, Thy Art Is Murder doreste sa atrag atentia asupra presedintelui Statelor Unite ale Americii, Donald Trump.

Trupa a declarat urmatoarele:

“Have you ever seen the film V For Vendetta? That needs to happen in every country across the world at the same time. We’re not going to change the world by holding hands and having f*****g silent protests. Standing out front of the White House with a piece of cardboard that says, ‘NO MORE TRUMP’ isn’t going to f*****g work. We need to shake the world and make it scared of its people.”

“We can’t do that much just as a band . All we can do is get our point out there. These messages will possibly be falling on once-deaf ears, so we can help people walk on to this train of thinking and make them realise what is actually happening on this spinning rock we all live on”- a declarant CJ McMahon in cadrul unui interviu pentru Rock Sound.

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