Tom Petty a murit la varsta de 66 de ani

de Cristi Nedelcu

Tom Petty a murit la varsta de 66 de ani

Tom Petty, artist care a castigat de 3 ori premiul Grammy, a murit in urma unui stop cardiac, ieri, 2 Octombrie, in Los Angeles.

Anunutul a fost facut de managerul artistului: "On behalf of the Tom Petty family, we are devastated to announce the untimely death of of our father, husband, brother, leader and friend Tom Petty. He suffered cardiac arrest at his home in Malibu in the early hours of this morning and was taken to UCLA Medical Center but could not be revived. He died peacefully at 8:40 p.m. PT surrounded by family, his bandmates and friends.".

De-a lungul carierei, Petty a cantat cu artisti precum Eric Clapton, Stevie Nicks, Bob Dylan, Johnny Cash si multi altii.

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