Trupa rock DOGSTAR a lui KEANU REEVES a avut primul spectacol live dupa o absenta de peste doua decenii

de Cristi Nedelcu

Trupa rock DOGSTAR a lui KEANU REEVES a avut primul spectacol live dupa o absenta de peste doua decenii

Trupa grunge a lui Keanu Reeves din anii 1990 si inceputul anilor 2000, DOGSTAR, a sustinut primul concert dupa o pauza de doua decenii sambata (27 mai) la festivalul de muzica BottleRock din Napa Valley, California. Reeves si colegii sai de trupa – cantaretul-chitaristul Bret Domrose si bateristul Rob Mailhouse – au cantat piese noi de pe viitorul lor album, inclusiv o melodie noua intitulata „Glimmer”.

DOGSTAR, trupa care nu a cantat live din octombrie 2002, si-a anuntat revenirea pe Instagram vara trecuta si a postat actualizari cu privire la progresul sesiunilor de inregistrare.

In ceea ce priveste planurile DOGSTAR pentru un nou album, Reeves a declarat pentru Billboard inainte de show-ul BottleRock: „I think all three of us just said, 'Well, if we're going to do this, let's make a record.'" Domrose a adaugat : "We just knew that there was 'X' amount of time, and we needed to make the most of it. We just locked on as wanting to make this record, and it happened pretty quickly.”

Viitorul DOGSTAR a fost realizat de producatorul Dave Trumfio (WILCO, BUILT TO SPILL). [Dave] understood where we were coming from," a spus Mailhouse, "and worked really well with Bret, layering guitars and doing lots of different sounds and ambient things — things that weren't just hard rock, in-your-face music, [but] a little more textural."

Urmatoarea lansare DOGSTAR va fi prima colectie de muzica noua a trupei din anul 2000 pana in prezent- ultimul album lansat de formatie fiind „Happy Ending”.

Intr-o postare recenta pe Instagram, Reeves si colegii sai de trupa DOGSTAR au confirmat ca vor incepe sa faca scoata piese noi in aceasta vara.

"Thank you everyone for the kind comments. We are overjoyed to see such a response," a declarat formatia. "Honestly, didn't expect this. It makes us want to play out even more."

"We will be rolling out some new music this summer, followed by some gigs. As soon as it's all figured out we will let everyone know immediately. So much to do, but rest assured, we are on it and have assembled a fantastic team that are helping us. We are also going to make a music video to support our first tune. That's all I can say now. Can't wait to share our new music with everyone. It's the most satisfying and meaningful batch of songs we've ever done. Thanks again for being so patient with us. We truly have the best, most loyal fans!"

Reeves a co-fondat DOGSTAR in 1991, iar trupa a lansat ulterior doua albume, a facut un turneu cu BON JOVI si a deschis un spectacol pentru David Bowie. Keanu canta la bass si voce pentru DOGSTAR, dar in cele din urma faima sa crescanda a facut dificil sa isi mai gaseasca timp pentru proiect, iar trupa s-a despartit in 2002. Mai tarziu, a cantat in grupul spinoff BECKY cu bateristul, co-fondatorul si actorul DOGSTAR, Robert Mailhouse, dar a parasit acea trupa dupa doar un an.

Videoclipurile filmate de fani la concert se pot vedea mai jos. Tot mai jos regasiti si postarea de pe Facebook a formatiei.

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