Un alt artist s-a sinucis

de Cristi Nedelcu

Un alt artist s-a sinucis

Basistul formatiei Enfold Darkness, Todd Honeycutt s-a sinucis la varsta de 30 de ani.

Artistul a fost gasit de colegul sau de trupa, Elijah Whitehead.

"I came home from work last night to find that Todd had hug himself in my garage. I am shaken and disturbed, but in good hands. I am having a gathering at my place this evening to remember him if anyone wants to stop by for a bit. Bring lots of hugs. I need them. Hold your Boiz close."

Anuntul a fost facut oficial si de catre formatie pe pagina de Facebook.

"Our brother Todd, who performed on our latest album, has taken his own life. I wish that we could give you a better sounding statement – we are all still in disbelief. If you are able to chip in, let’s get him back to his family in South Carolina."

Inca nu se stiu motivele din spatele gestului facut de Todd.

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